Our Quality Focus.

A focus on quality and innovation.


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The educational experiences we provide are designed to achieve so much more than just an academic qualification.

We are here to create more rounded, positive and successful people. To drive this, we continually invest in quality assurance across all of our programmes and maintain a unique focus on innovation in learning.

Our recent Ofsted Monitoring Visit provided confidence in our ongoing focus on quality of our provision, as we were judged to be making Significant Progress towards our objectives of being a high quality provider.

Ofsted Monitoring Report


  1. Define: standards and expectations
  2. Measure: access and determine
  3. Analyse: examine and evaluate
  4. Improve: innovate and develop
  5. Sustain: maintain and enhance

Our strategy promotes a whole organisational approach to the experience and service our learners receive with us at SCL. This strategy focuses on:

  • Study Programmes
  • Adult Learning
  • Apprenticeships
  • Traineeships

This strategy determines the ambition, ethos, and structure behind the Quality Assurance (QA) activities implemented throughout each business year, with one simple aim: to provide the mechanisms for us to ‘Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Sustain’ the quality of all we do.

This strategy provides the organisation’s Senior and Operational Leadership Team with timely information to drive forward rapid and sustained improvements within the overall quality of their service to continually improve its provision to achieve and maintain excellence for all our learners.

Our Quality Strategy



Robustly monitor the quality of each phase of the learner journey to celebrate and share areas of excellence as well as identify key areas for quality improvement.


Provide high quality support, expertise, and tools to rapidly improve the quality of performance within identified areas of delivery as well as inspire staff to take positive risks in the aim to enhance their teaching and/or leadership skills.


Significantly contribute to our learners’ quality of education, thus supporting them in the unlocking of their full potential. We ensure each learner’s progress and development is maximised, guaranteeing full preparation for further study and/or work whilst inspiring them to make positive decisions for their future life and career.

Licence to Practice

Our quality assurance framework promotes and advances teacher development through an internal talent management programme, Licence to Practice.

SCL teachers earn our internal kitemark ‘Licence to Teach’ or ‘Licence to Teach Digitally’ to ensure our standards of excellence are achieved within our physical or virtual classrooms, as well as our ‘Licence to Assess’ programme to certify the use of appropriate and fair methods of assessment to advance learner progress.

‘Licence to Verify’, ‘Licence to Mentor’ and ‘Licence to Observe’ feature within our future leader’s programme to provide a development pathway for teacher progression.

We invest in our teachers and ensure that every SCL teacher is of the highest quality, fostering a culture of excellence through a monthly CPD programme, ongoing professional coaching and continued reflective practice. This is underpinned by a comprehensive lesson observation design.


Teachers and trainers also made significant contributions to enable SCL to achieve the Matrix Standard for a further three years.

This standard is a reflection of the high-quality information, advice and guidance that our learners and apprentices receive whilst on their SCL programme.

94% combined pass rate of SCL learners on study programmes.