Our Quality Strategy.

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A Strategy for Quality

Our Quality Strategy determines the ambition, ethos, and structure behind the Quality Assurance (QA) activities implemented throughout each business year, with one simple aim: to provide the mechanisms for us to ‘Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Sustain’ the quality of all we do.

The strategy provides the organisation’s Senior and Operational Leadership Team with timely information to drive forward rapid and sustained improvements within the overall quality of their service to continually improve its provision to achieve and maintain excellence for all our learners.


Providing clear and evidence-informed professional and performance standards for each stage of the learner’s journey that aims to provide a strong level of consistency in performance and impact across SCL.

Defining the expected professional and performance standards for the quality of our internal departmental services, with the aim of ensuring high quality and consistent operational activity which contributes to the achievement of each department’s objectives.

We define the extent of that which needs to be improved, whilst also defining the exacting standards and organisational expectations we are accountable for, and, subsequently, which we will measure our performance against.


Implementing focused and streamlined Quality Assurance (QA) processes enables us to assess the current levels of performance across SCL. These processes allow us to determine the extent of any exceptional practice that can be shared and celebrated, as well as any practice that does not meet the defined professional and performance standards.

Example activity includes:

• Observation of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA)
• Quality of Education Review (QER)
• Competency-Based Interviews (learner and employer)
• Feedback Surveys (learner and employer)
• Work ‘Scrutiny’
• Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)


Providing operational leadership with detailed analysis to examine and evaluate current area-specific performance levels, so that informed decisions are made in relation to supporting improvements.

This provides opportunities for leadership to celebrate and share exceptional practice, as well as make evidence-based decisions to highlight and implement differentiated improvement activity.


An informed and considered approach is adopted through the ‘Improve’ phase to address and develop any underperformance.

The opportunity to innovate at this stage is embraced to ensure that SCL’s ambitions for exceptional performance are achieved. Our improvement agenda is underpinned by robust QA processes which allow us to identify and then address underperformance swiftly and effectively. Using a structured approach which captures in-year actual vs planned performance allows us to action plans to address any shortcomings.

Where underperformance does not have a prescribed resolution, Quality will work in collaboration with the area to establish the best solutions for swift and sustainable improvement.


Quality improvements are to be fully owned by each area’s Leadership Team. It is imperative that any improvement achieved is maintained and enhanced through the implementation of departmental-based leadership and management mechanisms.