Financial Support.

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Financial Support

Whilst your course will be fully funded, you will need to consider your costs for textbooks and travel costs to and from training, education and matches. There may also be a cost for purchasing training kit at the start of the season, further details about this will be provided upon your acceptance onto the programme.

All learners enrolled on the course can apply for bursaries if their household income is at or below the designated threshold*. You may also be entitled to have free school meals.

These initiatives are there to remove any barriers to education and further details on how this works will be provided as part of the enrolment process onto the course.

*Income thresholds and payments may differ depending on funding provider.

16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help learners to overcome specific barriers to participation, to ensure that they can remain in education.

SCL has received this funding to help learners to meet the cost of participating in our post-16 education programmes.

Read our Bursary Fund Policy to understand eligibility and awards criteria, as well as how to apply for a bursary.

Bursary Fund Policy

Supporting Travel Costs

SCL will support learners who meet eligibility and qualifying conditions with travel costs based upon the criteria below for attendance for all elements of programmes, including work placements:

3-6 miles – £3/day
6-10 miles – £6/day
10+ miles – £8/day

These amounts are subject to the overall bursary award values detailed in our Bursary Fund Policy. These guidelines may be amended on a discretionary basis to support learners with mobility issues or with disabilities.

Where possible, travel costs will be supported through the purchase of appropriate travel cards, and only in exceptional circumstances will travel costs be paid to learners as cash.

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Hardship Fund

Learners facing financial hardship due to exceptional reasons and/or their circumstances changing, and/or in need of assistance with course related costs are invited to apply. This is a means tested bursary so applications should be submitted with evidence of income.

Items to be funded through cash and/or “in kind” payments may include:

Basic stationery
Books & materials
Specialist Subject Material
Emergency Accommodation and meals
Course fees, exam resits
UCAS fee, travel to Open Days and/or interview costs
Course trips
Other justified costs

Books, trips and visits can be expensive, so we encourage learners to apply for funding, should they meet the criteria.

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