16-19 Bursary Fund Policy 2023/24

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16-19 Bursary Fund Policy


It is SCL Group’s intent to be a fully inclusive provider of post-16 education and training.

Through the implementation of the ESFA’s 16-19 Bursary funding, SCL Group ensure learners receive contributions to meet costs to support them in participating in learning and training.

SCL Group are ambitious and have high expectations that the impact of this funding will ensure all learners have an equal opportunity to achieve.

In conjunction with the ESFA’s ‘16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2023 to 2024 academic year’, SCL Group strive to ensure that learners are enabled to access and engage in high quality education and training to achieve their aspirations and goals, to make progress and fulfil their potential.



The objectives of our policy are, to:

  • Work within the guidance provided in current legislation and guidance from the ESFA.
  • Ensure early interventions by the Bursary Committee are in place to identify and monitor a learner’s individual needs so that appropriate funding may be allocated
  • Raise Group wide awareness to the need to identify and support learners with potential need for monetary support


SCL Group is compliant with the ESFA’s ‘16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2023 to 2024 academic year’.

General Eligibility and Award Criteria (2023-2024)

  • • To be eligible to receive a Bursary in the 2023/24 academic year, learners must be aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31 August 2023, meet the residency criteria in the ESFA Funding Guidance for 2023/24 Academic Year and attend suitable provision subject to inspection by a public body.
  • 19-year-olds continuing from 22/23 or 19-24 year-olds with an EHCP are only eligible for discretionary bursary and free meals, not the vulnerable bursary.


The following groups of learners are eligible to apply for 16-19 Bursary Funds:

  • Group One: Vulnerable Young People – up to £1,200 bursary
  • Group Two: Discretionary Bursary – Up to £3730 bursary

Where a learner does not meet the criteria for 16-19 Bursary, SCL Group will endeavour to support to meet the learner’s monetary need through the utilisation of the SCL Hardship Fund.



Eligibility for Group One:
A bursary of up to £1,200 per annum for a full-time course (30 weeks or more) is available to learners who are in a defined vulnerable group and have a financial need to enable them to participate in education.

The defined vulnerable groups are learners who are:

  • In care
  • Care leavers
  • Receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund defines ‘in care’ as children looked after by a local authority on a voluntary basis (section 20 of the Children Act 1989) or under a care order (section 31 of the Children Act 1989) – Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 defines the term ‘looked after child’.

A ‘care leaver’ is defined as:

  • A young person aged 16 and 17 who was previously looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16; or
  • A young person aged 18 or above who was looked after prior to becoming 18 for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16

A young person placed with a foster carer by the local authority, including where the foster carer is on the books of an independent fostering agency, is classed as looked after.

They meet the criteria for the ‘in care’ vulnerable group where they need financial support to participate in education.

people who cease to be looked after or accommodated, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, meet the criteria for the ‘in care’ vulnerable group where they need financial support to participate in education.

SCL Group may decide that although a learner may be eligible for a bursary because they are in one or more of the defined vulnerable groups, they do not have any actual financial need to enable them to participate in education. This might be because their financial needs are already met and/or because they have no relevant costs. SCL Group can refuse a learner’s application on this basis.

Similarly, learners should only receive the amount they actually need to participate and SCL Group will not automatically award learners £1,200 if they do not need the full amount.

Eligibility for Group Two:

A Discretionary Bursary of up to £3730 per annum is available, subject to availability of remaining funds and to all learners who meet the following criteria: (subject to committee approval)

Priority 1 – net household income* of £30,000 or less.

*Including all benefits

Awards will be made according to the following criteria:

  • Level of household income
  • Nature of the application – priority will always be given to essential curricular requests
  • All benefits will be considered towards household income
  • The finances available within the fund

In the event of bursary funds being over-subscribed, SCL Group will prioritise applications on a first come first serve basis. All applications must have been received before the application close date to qualify.


All applications to access 16-19 Bursary Fund must be supported by appropriate evidence. Copies of evidence shall be retained by SCL Group to provide financial assurance as required. All evidence will be treated as confidential unless requested for audit purposes by the ESFA.

Group One, Vulnerable Bursary, acceptable evidence:

  • Statement from the Local Authority confirming the learner’s current or previous looked after status, along with proof of income from social worker to provide financial assessment that the learner needs support to enable them to participate in education. This can be included in the care letter supplied.
  • Income Support or Universal Credit in applicant’s name, provide previous 3 months full statements showing name, what is received and all deductions.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right.

Group Two, Discretionary Bursary, acceptable evidence:

  • Evidence of income/benefits entitlement stated on your application.

Examples of types of acceptable evidence (photocopies accepted) are shown in the list below:

  • Annual Salary P60 for last tax year, or week 52 (last week in March) payslip or month 12 (March) payslip
  • Income Support Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Universal Credit Entitlement – Last 3 months’ full statements showing name, what is received and all deductions.
  • Job Seekers Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Employment Support Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Incapacity Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Carer’s Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Housing Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Council Tax Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Working Tax Credit Working Tax Credit Award Notice marked for current year. Must be for full year and not partial awards (FULL AWARD NOTICE) Child Tax
  • Credit Working Tax Credit Award Notice marked for current year. Must be for full year and not partial awards (FULL AWARD NOTICE)
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments Entitlement /Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Any other income Relevant paperwork, e.g., evidence of income from self- employment (Self-Assessment Tax Calculation SA302), etc.

The learner must inform SCL Group immediately of any changes to status, otherwise money may have to be paid back.

SCL Group cannot guarantee funding even if the learner passes the eligibility threshold in Group Two. The individual circumstances of all applicants, the funding available and the nature of the funding request will all be deemed relevant, differentiating factors, as will the overall availability of funding.


SCL Group will support learners who meet eligibility and ‘Qualifying Conditions’ with travel costs based upon the criteria below for attendance of at least 85% per month for all elements of programmes including work placements:

  • Less than 30 minute walking distance (per google maps) – no support. It is considered that this distance is commutable on foot or on cycle.
  • More than 30 minutes walking distance (per google maps) up to £20 per day travel cost covered*. This is capped at £2880 per year.

*Dependant on timetabled on site days. If cost of travel ticket is less than above, the actual ticket amount will be awarded.

These amounts are subject to the overall bursary award.

These guidelines may be amended on a discretionary basis to support learners with mobility issues or with disabilities.

Travel costs will be supported through the purchase of appropriate travel tickets. Where this is not possible and where cash re-imbursement is required, the learner will need to provide clear evidence of the cost of travel in support of claims (e.g. train ticket, bus ticket, receipts, etc.).

Where a learner is claiming mileage cost for use of their own vehicle in support of travel, where accepted this will be re-imbursed at a rate of 45p per mile.

Due to the peripatetic nature of SCL Group Examination centres, travel expenses for examinations will automatically be awarded to any learner that qualifies for a bursary as they have already been assessed to have financial need in order to participate in education and examinations are a core part of that.



Applications for a Bursary must be made using the correct application form and should be submitted in full by as soon as is practicable. Bursary awards will be made on a first come first served basis for all courses, learners are therefore encouraged to complete their applications as a matter of urgency. The application must be signed by the learner.

In most cases applications for non-travel items will be processed within one month and applicants will be informed in writing of the decision.

Subject to meeting the condition requirements as detailed below, any payments will be made by BACS to a bank account in the name of the learner (only) on a monthly basis. The learner must have a valid bank account in their name unless there are exceptional reasons.

Timing of payments will be at SCL Group’s discretion.

All applications must be submitted by Wednesday 20th September to ensure the first payment is made by the end of September. The initial bursary application period will close on October 20th. In the event there is any allocation left after the initial application period, we will re-open the applications in January. Please note that any applications made outside of these dates will not be processed.


All learners who wish to apply for the bursary must meet the following conditions:

  • Attendance: on or above SCLs target of overall 85% per month unless there is a valid reason why this level of attendance cannot be achieved. All young people must endeavour to meet punctuality and attendance requirements. Learners must present to their tutors mitigating evidence and/or explanation to maintain their bursary payments if attendance falls below these thresholds.
  • All learners must adhere to the terms of our Learning Agreements
  • Initial Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments must be fully completed before payments will be made.

If the learner does not meet these conditions, SCL Group reserves the right to withdraw or suspend Bursary payments.

In the event of a learner being overpaid in any capacity, SCL Group reserve the right to cease payments and/or request amount to be paid back.


Learners may apply for support towards term time meals if they are in receipt of, or have a parent/guardian who is in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

*this is subject to timetabled days for education.

Eligible learners are entitled to receive a free meal or free meal allowance at the equivalent of £5 for one meal for each day of attendance on programme*.

SCL Group have deemed £5 an appropriate amount to allow learners to buy a nutritional and substantial meal. Learners are 16+, exerting physical and mental energy during their programme, therefore, need a meal with appropriate calorific and nutritional elements to suffice throughout the day.

SCL Group do not have a subsidised restaurant/canteen from which to provide learners with a meal. Therefore, the allowance is aligned to the cost at a high street retailer. Learners will be expected to source their own meal from the local community including high street retailers, or where possible food outlets within the venue.


Learners facing financial hardship due to exceptional reasons and/or their circumstances changing, and/or in need of assistance with course-related costs are invited to apply. This is a means-tested bursary so applications should be submitted with evidence of income (from the list above).

SCL’s qualifying condition requirements above also apply. Items to be funded through cash and/or “in kind” payments may include:

  • Emergency meals
  • Kit (up to £350 per learner)
  • Laptops (up to £500 per learner) will be purchased by SCL and available on lease to the learner. The laptop must be returned to SCL on leaving the learning programme.
  • Other justified costs as agreed by the bursary committee.


Decisions about bursaries and Hardship Funds will be made by the Bursary committee which comprises of Group Executive Director of Quality and Curriculum, Group Head of Learner Experience, Head of Finance, Office Manager, Business Services Manager, Business Change and Improvement Manager and Head of MIS, Funding and Compliance.

The Administration team will make the financial eligibility decision.


All learners have a right to appeal against any decision made regarding a bursary awarded or not awarded, or against bursary payments being ceased for not meeting attendance or behaviour expectations.

Appeals must be made in writing and submitted within two weeks of the decision.

The final decision on appeal is taken by the Committee. At no point in the process will the circumstances of other Bursary receipts be discussed, for reasons of confidentiality.

When drafting your appeal please include as much information as possible:

  • Email Subject: Bursary Appeal
  • Reason for appeal
  • Justification of appeal with appropriate/required evidence of support justification


Allocation is only regarding the scheme’s Discretionary Bursary/Free Meals. Once eligible young people are identified, SCL Group must apply for the Vulnerable Young People Bursary element via a Funding Claim form to the SBSS. The Student Bursary Support Service, part of the ESFA, will then issue funding directly to the SCL Group.

Secure records will be kept of all awards, receipts, and payments for audit purposes for a period of 8 years in accordance with statutory financial regulations and ESFA retention requirements.

An annual report on the number of awards made and the total value will be provided by the Head of Finance to the Bursary Committee.


The use and allocation of Bursary funds are governed by the Bursary Committee which meet once a month.

Amendments and changes deemed necessary to meet the needs of the learners are discussed and agreed.

This policy was amended by the Bursary Committee in August 2023 and is subject to an annual review.


General enquiries – sclbursary@wearescl.co.uk

16-19 Bursary Fund Policy


It is SCL Group’s intent to be a fully inclusive provider of post-16 education and training.

Through the implementation of the ESFA’s 16-19 Bursary funding, SCL Group ensure learners receive contributions to meet costs to support them in participating in learning and training.

SCL Group are ambitious and have high expectations that the impact of this funding will ensure all learners have an equal opportunity to achieve.

In conjunction with the ESFA’s ‘16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2023 to 2024 academic year’, SCL Group strive to ensure that learners are enabled to access and engage in high quality education and training to achieve their aspirations and goals, to make progress and fulfil their potential.



The objectives of our policy are, to:

  • Work within the guidance provided in current legislation and guidance from the ESFA.
  • Ensure early interventions by the Bursary Committee are in place to identify and monitor a learner’s individual needs so that appropriate funding may be allocated
  • Raise Group wide awareness to the need to identify and support learners with potential need for monetary support


SCL Group is compliant with the ESFA’s ‘16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2023 to 2024 academic year’.

General Eligibility and Award Criteria (2023-2024)

  • • To be eligible to receive a Bursary in the 2023/24 academic year, learners must be aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31 August 2023, meet the residency criteria in the ESFA Funding Guidance for 2023/24 Academic Year and attend suitable provision subject to inspection by a public body.
  • 19-year-olds continuing from 22/23 or 19-24 year-olds with an EHCP are only eligible for discretionary bursary and free meals, not the vulnerable bursary.


The following groups of learners are eligible to apply for 16-19 Bursary Funds:

  • Group One: Vulnerable Young People – up to £1,200 bursary
  • Group Two: Discretionary Bursary – Up to £3730 bursary

Where a learner does not meet the criteria for 16-19 Bursary, SCL Group will endeavour to support to meet the learner’s monetary need through the utilisation of the SCL Hardship Fund.



Eligibility for Group One:
A bursary of up to £1,200 per annum for a full-time course (30 weeks or more) is available to learners who are in a defined vulnerable group and have a financial need to enable them to participate in education.

The defined vulnerable groups are learners who are:

  • In care
  • Care leavers
  • Receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund defines ‘in care’ as children looked after by a local authority on a voluntary basis (section 20 of the Children Act 1989) or under a care order (section 31 of the Children Act 1989) – Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 defines the term ‘looked after child’.

A ‘care leaver’ is defined as:

  • A young person aged 16 and 17 who was previously looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16; or
  • A young person aged 18 or above who was looked after prior to becoming 18 for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16

A young person placed with a foster carer by the local authority, including where the foster carer is on the books of an independent fostering agency, is classed as looked after.

They meet the criteria for the ‘in care’ vulnerable group where they need financial support to participate in education.

people who cease to be looked after or accommodated, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, meet the criteria for the ‘in care’ vulnerable group where they need financial support to participate in education.

SCL Group may decide that although a learner may be eligible for a bursary because they are in one or more of the defined vulnerable groups, they do not have any actual financial need to enable them to participate in education. This might be because their financial needs are already met and/or because they have no relevant costs. SCL Group can refuse a learner’s application on this basis.

Similarly, learners should only receive the amount they actually need to participate and SCL Group will not automatically award learners £1,200 if they do not need the full amount.

Eligibility for Group Two:

A Discretionary Bursary of up to £3730 per annum is available, subject to availability of remaining funds and to all learners who meet the following criteria: (subject to committee approval)

Priority 1 – net household income* of £30,000 or less.

*Including all benefits

Awards will be made according to the following criteria:

  • Level of household income
  • Nature of the application – priority will always be given to essential curricular requests
  • All benefits will be considered towards household income
  • The finances available within the fund

In the event of bursary funds being over-subscribed, SCL Group will prioritise applications on a first come first serve basis. All applications must have been received before the application close date to qualify.


All applications to access 16-19 Bursary Fund must be supported by appropriate evidence. Copies of evidence shall be retained by SCL Group to provide financial assurance as required. All evidence will be treated as confidential unless requested for audit purposes by the ESFA.

Group One, Vulnerable Bursary, acceptable evidence:

  • Statement from the Local Authority confirming the learner’s current or previous looked after status, along with proof of income from social worker to provide financial assessment that the learner needs support to enable them to participate in education. This can be included in the care letter supplied.
  • Income Support or Universal Credit in applicant’s name, provide previous 3 months full statements showing name, what is received and all deductions.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right.

Group Two, Discretionary Bursary, acceptable evidence:

  • Evidence of income/benefits entitlement stated on your application.

Examples of types of acceptable evidence (photocopies accepted) are shown in the list below:

  • Annual Salary P60 for last tax year, or week 52 (last week in March) payslip or month 12 (March) payslip
  • Income Support Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Universal Credit Entitlement – Last 3 months’ full statements showing name, what is received and all deductions.
  • Job Seekers Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Employment Support Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Incapacity Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Carer’s Allowance Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Housing Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Council Tax Benefit Entitlement/Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Working Tax Credit Working Tax Credit Award Notice marked for current year. Must be for full year and not partial awards (FULL AWARD NOTICE) Child Tax
  • Credit Working Tax Credit Award Notice marked for current year. Must be for full year and not partial awards (FULL AWARD NOTICE)
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments Entitlement /Award letter – dated within the last 3 months.
  • Any other income Relevant paperwork, e.g., evidence of income from self- employment (Self-Assessment Tax Calculation SA302), etc.

The learner must inform SCL Group immediately of any changes to status, otherwise money may have to be paid back.

SCL Group cannot guarantee funding even if the learner passes the eligibility threshold in Group Two. The individual circumstances of all applicants, the funding available and the nature of the funding request will all be deemed relevant, differentiating factors, as will the overall availability of funding.


SCL Group will support learners who meet eligibility and ‘Qualifying Conditions’ with travel costs based upon the criteria below for attendance of at least 85% per month for all elements of programmes including work placements:

  • Less than 30 minute walking distance (per google maps) – no support. It is considered that this distance is commutable on foot or on cycle.
  • More than 30 minutes walking distance (per google maps) up to £20 per day travel cost covered*. This is capped at £2880 per year.

*Dependant on timetabled on site days. If cost of travel ticket is less than above, the actual ticket amount will be awarded.

These amounts are subject to the overall bursary award.

These guidelines may be amended on a discretionary basis to support learners with mobility issues or with disabilities.

Travel costs will be supported through the purchase of appropriate travel tickets. Where this is not possible and where cash re-imbursement is required, the learner will need to provide clear evidence of the cost of travel in support of claims (e.g. train ticket, bus ticket, receipts, etc.).

Where a learner is claiming mileage cost for use of their own vehicle in support of travel, where accepted this will be re-imbursed at a rate of 45p per mile.

Due to the peripatetic nature of SCL Group Examination centres, travel expenses for examinations will automatically be awarded to any learner that qualifies for a bursary as they have already been assessed to have financial need in order to participate in education and examinations are a core part of that.



Applications for a Bursary must be made using the correct application form and should be submitted in full by as soon as is practicable. Bursary awards will be made on a first come first served basis for all courses, learners are therefore encouraged to complete their applications as a matter of urgency. The application must be signed by the learner.

In most cases applications for non-travel items will be processed within one month and applicants will be informed in writing of the decision.

Subject to meeting the condition requirements as detailed below, any payments will be made by BACS to a bank account in the name of the learner (only) on a monthly basis. The learner must have a valid bank account in their name unless there are exceptional reasons.

Timing of payments will be at SCL Group’s discretion.

All applications must be submitted by Wednesday 20th September to ensure the first payment is made by the end of September. The initial bursary application period will close on October 20th. In the event there is any allocation left after the initial application period, we will re-open the applications in January. Please note that any applications made outside of these dates will not be processed.


All learners who wish to apply for the bursary must meet the following conditions:

  • Attendance: on or above SCLs target of overall 85% per month unless there is a valid reason why this level of attendance cannot be achieved. All young people must endeavour to meet punctuality and attendance requirements. Learners must present to their tutors mitigating evidence and/or explanation to maintain their bursary payments if attendance falls below these thresholds.
  • All learners must adhere to the terms of our Learning Agreements
  • Initial Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments must be fully completed before payments will be made.

If the learner does not meet these conditions, SCL Group reserves the right to withdraw or suspend Bursary payments.

In the event of a learner being overpaid in any capacity, SCL Group reserve the right to cease payments and/or request amount to be paid back.


Learners may apply for support towards term time meals if they are in receipt of, or have a parent/guardian who is in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

*this is subject to timetabled days for education.

Eligible learners are entitled to receive a free meal or free meal allowance at the equivalent of £5 for one meal for each day of attendance on programme*.

SCL Group have deemed £5 an appropriate amount to allow learners to buy a nutritional and substantial meal. Learners are 16+, exerting physical and mental energy during their programme, therefore, need a meal with appropriate calorific and nutritional elements to suffice throughout the day.

SCL Group do not have a subsidised restaurant/canteen from which to provide learners with a meal. Therefore, the allowance is aligned to the cost at a high street retailer. Learners will be expected to source their own meal from the local community including high street retailers, or where possible food outlets within the venue.


Learners facing financial hardship due to exceptional reasons and/or their circumstances changing, and/or in need of assistance with course-related costs are invited to apply. This is a means-tested bursary so applications should be submitted with evidence of income (from the list above).

SCL’s qualifying condition requirements above also apply. Items to be funded through cash and/or “in kind” payments may include:

  • Emergency meals
  • Kit (up to £350 per learner)
  • Laptops (up to £500 per learner) will be purchased by SCL and available on lease to the learner. The laptop must be returned to SCL on leaving the learning programme.
  • Other justified costs as agreed by the bursary committee.


Decisions about bursaries and Hardship Funds will be made by the Bursary committee which comprises of Group Executive Director of Quality and Curriculum, Group Head of Learner Experience, Head of Finance, Office Manager, Business Services Manager, Business Change and Improvement Manager and Head of MIS, Funding and Compliance.

The Administration team will make the financial eligibility decision.


All learners have a right to appeal against any decision made regarding a bursary awarded or not awarded, or against bursary payments being ceased for not meeting attendance or behaviour expectations.

Appeals must be made in writing and submitted within two weeks of the decision.

The final decision on appeal is taken by the Committee. At no point in the process will the circumstances of other Bursary receipts be discussed, for reasons of confidentiality.

When drafting your appeal please include as much information as possible:

  • Email Subject: Bursary Appeal
  • Reason for appeal
  • Justification of appeal with appropriate/required evidence of support justification


Allocation is only regarding the scheme’s Discretionary Bursary/Free Meals. Once eligible young people are identified, SCL Group must apply for the Vulnerable Young People Bursary element via a Funding Claim form to the SBSS. The Student Bursary Support Service, part of the ESFA, will then issue funding directly to the SCL Group.

Secure records will be kept of all awards, receipts, and payments for audit purposes for a period of 8 years in accordance with statutory financial regulations and ESFA retention requirements.

An annual report on the number of awards made and the total value will be provided by the Head of Finance to the Bursary Committee.


The use and allocation of Bursary funds are governed by the Bursary Committee which meet once a month.

Amendments and changes deemed necessary to meet the needs of the learners are discussed and agreed.

This policy was amended by the Bursary Committee in August 2023 and is subject to an annual review.


General enquiries – sclbursary@wearescl.co.uk