Terms, Conditions & Policies.
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This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers, the board members, paid staff, volunteers and seasonal workers, agency staff, students or anyone working for and on behalf of SCL Education Group Ltd.[1] (SCL). The term ‘learner’ used in this policy refers to learners of SCL who attend interviews, online learning, study at our centres or apprentices in their place of work.
The purpose of this policy is:
To protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who receive SCL’s services. This also includes the children of adults who use our services and siblings of learners.
To provide parents, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection. Children are defined in the Children Act 1989 and 2004, as a person under the age of 18 years. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 defines a vulnerable adult as a person aged 18
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children, young people and vulnerable in England. A summary of the key legislation is available from:
This policy should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures including:
Commitment to the policy
We will ensure staff are committed to our safeguarding and prevent policy through a cycle of training and development, every member of SCL staff will commit to promoting learner safety and welfare every day.
The head of safeguarding will ensure that all staff are fully compliant and share Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019, ensuring that all staff read and understand Part 1 as a minimum requirement.
All key stake holders will be communicated with regularly outlining safeguarding responsibility, the SCL website contains our up-to-date safeguarding policy and contact information for the safeguarding team is provided for all key stake holders to be able to access further information upon request.
SCL have the required Safer Recruitment Policy in place which includes DBS and relevant checks to ensure suitability to the role.
Staff Training
All SCL staff are required to undertake safeguarding training upon induction which is renewable annually. Staff regularly receive further training throughout the year to ensure all SCL employees are confident at adhering to and implementing the fundamentals of the safeguarding policy.
All staff will be given a copy of this policy on appointment and are asked to ensure that they read and understand the contents. Any changes to this plan will be discussed in staff meetings to ensure that staff remain up to date and can act accordingly.
Our commitment
Our aims are to:
We recognise that:
We will seek to keep children, learners and apprentices safe by:
Welfare is defined as a child or vulnerable adult in need of universal help from those already involved or from a single or multiple agency response.
Missing from Education –
Children and young people and young people who go missing from education will fail to achieve their full potential academically and fail to achieve economic wellbeing in later life. They are also at a greater risk of physical harm, self- inflicted or inflicted by others, being sexually exploited and becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour, being employed illegally or abusing drugs and alcohol. In line with the duty under section 10 of the Children Act 2004, SCL must take reasonable steps to monitor learners’ attendance through a daily register. This is also completed for young people. Attendance should be monitored closely and poor or irregular attendance should be addressed. Please see Missing from Education Policy or more information.
Recognising abuse is not easy, and it is not the responsibility of staff, volunteers or learners to decide whether abuse has taken place or if there is significant risk. We do however have a responsibility to act if we think it may be happening.
Abuse, including neglect, includes forms of maltreatment of a child or vulnerable adult. Somebody may abuse a child or vulnerable adult by inflicting harm, by failing to act to prevent harm. Children and young people may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger for example via the internet. They may also be abused by an adult or adults, or by another child or children.
SCL will conduct rigorous checks and workplace risk assessments on each employer to ensure that all apprentices are safeguarded and can work in a place of safety. Each employer will be expected too actively engage in the apprentice onboarding process and remain committed to safeguarding the apprentices in the care.
Where required SCL will request the appropriate DBS check and safeguarding training for staff members at the apprentice’s work placement.
Child or Vulnerable Adult abuse – may be physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or neglect.
Significant harm – ill treatment or the impairment of health or development (compared with the health or development which might be expected of a similar child/ adult)
Physical abuse – actual or likely physical injury to a child or vulnerable adult, or failure to prevent injury. This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child or vulnerable adult they are looking after. This form of physical harm is recognised as Fabricated or Induced Illness.
Sexual abuse – actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult, including prostitution. Involving forcing or enticing a child or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities without their consent or understanding. The activities may involve physical contact including penetration or non- penetrative acts. For example, it may also include involving the child looking at or being involved in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging the victim to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. Can include grooming a child or vulnerable adult in preparation for abuse.
Emotional abuse – emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child or vulnerable adult with the intent to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the victim’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to the victim that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.
Age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children, causing children frequently to feel frightened, or the exploitation or corruption of children or young people will also constitute emotional abuse. This may also include overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning or participating in normal social interaction.
It can include seeing or hearing ill treatment of another person. It may include serious bullying, including cyber-bullying. It may include not giving the child or vulnerable adult opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them, or making fun of what they say or how they communicate.
Neglect – neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of their health or development such as failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, medical care or treatment or neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, their basic emotional/physical needs. It can include not protecting a child or vulnerable adult from emotional harm or danger.
Bullying and Harassment – Bullying can include a variety of behaviours from one individual/ group to another individual/ group such as name calling, offensive language, coercion, hitting, pushing, theft or damage to belongings, cyber, spreading harmful messages, hate crime or mate crime which is befriending someone with the intent to exploit them in some way.
All learners, apprentices and staff are expected to use the internet for research, communication and to view information relevant to the job role and course content. SCL always promote safe use of the internet in line within our IT acceptable usage policy. Systems are in place to identify websites which may have links to terrorist activities and sites related to the dark web. Inappropriate use of the internet is screened using search history reports by SCL central IT team.
When supervised staff will actively monitor learner and apprentice’s internet usage and are encouraged to review sites before recommended use.
The safe and responsible use of technology is sometimes presented as primarily a child or vulnerable adult protection issue. While children, young people and young people do need support to keep themselves safe online the risks associated with the use of technology. Examples include the mismanagement of personal data, risks of financial scams, identity theft, cyber bullying, grooming, and radicalisation.
Learning Difficulty and/or Disability – Children or adults with a learning difficulty and/or disability may be especially vulnerable to abuse or bullying any may have difficulties in communicating this to staff. At SCL, staff are skilled, experienced and they work closely with learners and their colleagues so they can identify signs at an early stage. Any reports of a learner with a learning difficulty and/or disability being abused or bullied will involve the Safeguarding Officer at the very earliest opportunity.
Risk to self and/or others – This may include but is not exclusive to self- harm, suicidal tendencies or potential risk of harming others, which may or may not include children. This may be because of an individual experiencing a significant level of personal, emotional trauma and/or stress. Domestic Violence – can be physical, emotional, sexual, neglect. This category also covers Forced Marriages and honour-based violence. Some learners may experience issues with drugs or alcohol to self-medicate or via dependence.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – Victims of FGM are likely to come from a community that is known to practice FGM. Professionals should note that girls at risk of FGM may not yet be aware of the practice or that it may be conducted on them, so sensitivity should always be shown when approaching the subject.
The FGM mandatory reporting duty is a legal duty provided for in the FGM
Act 2003 (as amended by the Serious Crime Act 2015). The legislation requires staff to report where, during their professional duties, they either are informed by a girl under 18 that an act of FGM has been carried out on her, observe physical signs which appear to show that an act of FGM has been carried out on a girl under 18 and they have no reason to believe that the act was necessary for the girl’s physical or mental health or for purpose with labour or birth. For the purposes of the duty, the relevant age is the girl’s age at the time of disclosure/identification of FGM
(i.e. it does not apply where a woman aged 18 or over discloses she had FGM when she was under 18).
Forced Marriage – One or both spouses do not consent to the marriage or consent is extracted under duress. Duress includes both physical and emotional pressure. A clear distinction must be made between a forced marriage and an arranged marriage. In arranged marriages, the families of both spouses take a leading role in choosing the marriage partner but the choice whether to accept the arrangement remains with the young people.
Modern slavery – Encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment.
Risks/ abuse related to family/cultural belief/ faith – It is important to remember that many children and young people are a part of a family. Some families have certain values and beliefs that can cause harm to a child or vulnerable adult. An example of this can include strong beliefs or a sense of honour or shame that can prevent people from seeking or accepting the help they need. A strong cultural or religious belief in the sanctity of marriage may dissuade people from leaving their partners, even if they are violent. In addition, many religions and cultures have strong beliefs around sex outside marriage, making it very hard for young, unmarried, pregnant women to get the help they need. Differences in culture or religion between partners, or between parents and children, may also make it more difficult for individuals to understand and support each other. Where one partner perceives their faith and heritage to be superior to, or more important than, their partner’s it can lead to a power imbalance and an erosion of the other partner’s self-esteem. In extreme cases children who are perceived as “disobedient” or “different” are believed to be possessed by a spirit controlling their behaviour. The children can be physically and emotionally abused to exorcise the spirit.
Parental Impacts – The issues of parents and carers can have a significant impact upon a child or vulnerable adult’s wellbeing. Some issues can include Substance Misuse, Mental Health and Domestic Abuse. It is also important to note that some children and young people also misuse drugs or alcohol when experiencing trauma in their own lives and they may require support around both factors. It is fundamental that wherever a concern is held for a child or vulnerable adult that confidentiality is respected however if the concern must involve the parent or carer for safeguarding reasons then it is good practice to work together and inform parents or carers of any referrals that may have to be made to support services.
In 2010, the Government published the Prevent Strategy. This raised an awareness of the specific need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. Please refer to our Prevent Duty Procedure.
Extremist groups have attempted to radicalise vulnerable children and young people to hold extreme views including views justifying political, religious, sexist or racist violence, or to steer them into a rigid and narrow ideology that is intolerant of diversity and leaves them vulnerable to future radicalisation.
Prevent is about Safeguarding our learners to keep them both safe and within the law. The Prevent Duty is not about preventing students from having political and religious views and concerns but about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways.
Radicalisation & Extremism – The holding of extreme political or religious views e.g. animal welfare rights, environmentalists, EDL / white supremacy groups, anti-gay groups, Islam / Christian ideology. The Counter Terrorism and Security Act, places a duty on specified authorities, including local authorities and childcare, education and other children’s services providers, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
(“The Prevent duty”)
The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom may include the exploitation of vulnerable people, to involve them in terrorism or in activity in support of terrorism. The normalisation of extreme views may also make children and young people vulnerable to future manipulation and exploitation.
SCL is clear that this exploitation and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern and that protecting children from the risk of radicalisation is part of the companies safeguarding duty.
Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism. Learners may become susceptible to radicalisation through a range of social, personal and environmental factors – it is known that violent extremists exploit vulnerabilities in individuals to drive a wedge between them and their families and communities. It is vital that school staff can recognize those vulnerabilities.
Extremism is defined by the Government in the Prevent Strategy as:
Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.
Channel is a multi-agency approach to provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist related activity. It is led by the regional Police Counter-Terrorism Unit, and it aims to:
The Channel programme focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. It provides a mechanism for schools to make referrals if they are concerned that an individual might be vulnerable to radicalisation. An individual’s participation in the programme is entirely voluntary at all stages.
Training Providers have a duty to cooperate with the Channel programme in the carrying out of its functions, and with the Police in providing information about an individual who is referred to Channel (Section 38, Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015).
Identity Crisis – the learner is distanced from their cultural / religious heritage and experiences discomfort about their place in society.
Personal Crisis – the learner may be experiencing family tensions; a sense of isolation; and low self- esteem; they may have dissociated from their existing friendship group and become involved with a new and different group of friends; they may be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging.
Personal Circumstances – migration; local community tensions; and events affecting the learner’s country or region of origin may contribute to a sense of grievance that is triggered by personal experience of racism or discrimination or aspects of Government policy
Unmet Aspirations – the learner may have perceptions of injustice: a feeling of failure
Rejection of civic life
Experiences of Criminality – which may include involvement with criminal groups, imprisonment, and poor resettlement / reintegration.
Special Educational Needs – learners may experience difficulties with social interaction, empathy with others, understanding the consequences of their actions and awareness of the motivations of others. However, this list is not exhaustive, nor does it mean that all young people experiencing the above are at risk of radicalisation for the purposes of violent extremism.
SCL recognises that whilst staff and volunteers who work with children and young people are committed to their wellbeing and care there exists a range of abuse perpetrated by workers that despite the best efforts and interventions can still take place.
An allegation may relate to a member of staff including a volunteer who works with children who has behaved in way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child, possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or behaved towards a child or children in way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children.
Where a member of staff finds a disclosure particularly distressing, they may wish to access the additional services within the SCL Employee Assistance Programme or contact HR Department for support.
SCL have an open-door policy for any staff who wish to discuss their concerns, staff will need to be mindful that SCL cannot as with learners to give absolute confidentiality to any disclosures All learners receive programme inductions which includes raising awareness of commitment towards Safeguarding, details of the support services that can be offered and contact details for the Safeguarding team. The understanding of all aspects of Safeguarding and safe working practices is checked at each review and the opportunity to discuss any issues is given.
Assessments are made to ensure that the learners wellbeing is safeguarded by the work placement and their teams to ensure arrangements are in place to, prior to work related activity commencing:
19.1 Manage Referrals
19.2 Working with Others
19.3 Ongoing Development & Raising Awareness
19.4 Confidentiality
A good working relationship between staff and students depends to a large extent on the establishment of trust. However, guarantees of absolute confidentiality should not be given. If a learner / staff member discloses to a member of staff, it is important that the boundaries of confidentiality and the need to pass on that information are explained.
It is often easier to explain to that you have a responsibility to pass on information on certain matters than to get into a situation where you break a confidence.
19.5 Disciplinary Action
It is a criminal offence for a person over 18 in a position of trust to enter a sexual relationship with any learner under 18 years old, even if the relationship is consensual. If allegations are made against staff the same procedures as outlined above must be followed. If a member of staff suspects abuse, whether sexual or otherwise, from another member of staff, the HR Designated Safeguarding Officer must be informed.
Depending on the severity of the allegations outside agencies may be informed and/or the staff disciplinary procedure may be invoked.
Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from the delivery of services or internally disciplined because of misconduct relating to a learner, we notify the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) so that appropriate action is taken.
19.6 Safer Recruitment Processes
The Staff member who receives the allegation or disclosure should make an immediate written record of the conversation, including the following information:
Recording – When recording an incident, this should be done using the MyConcern! secure platform.
Whilst you can record observations, do not interpret or give opinion as this may bias the information provided and jeopardise any future investigation into the allegation.
Report – Any issues or concerns, allegations or suspicions relating to Safeguarding must be taken seriously and reported to a Safeguarding Officer. All issues or concerns should then be logged through the MyConcern! software.
Refer – Where required, the Safeguarding Representative will refer or support you with guidance on next steps and / or signposting the relevant external agency.
19.8 Disclosure
SCL strongly supports the principle of working in partnership with children, parents/ carers and adults. This means seeking clear, explicit and informed consent from the individual(s) concerned for information about them to be shared with specified other individuals or agencies where consistent with the individual(s) best interests.
It is possible, however, to identify some circumstances in which sharing confidential information without consent will normally be justified in the public interest. These are:
19.9 Promotion of Safeguarding through Teaching and Learning
We are committed to promoting awareness of learner abuse issues and prevent throughout our training and learning programmes for adults.
19.10 Responding to Suspicions
SCL is committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused.’ (DfE 2014)
We acknowledge that abuse or neglect of basic safety and welfare procedures for learners can take place and that this can take different forms – physical, emotional, and sexual as well as employer’s neglect of legal responsibilities and neglect of parental or statutory responsibilities (including where young people are in care of social services). We also acknowledge that this can take the form of ‘virtual’ or internet-based abuse or neglect.
We recognise that when young people or young people are suffering from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or may be experiencing neglect, this may be demonstrated through the things they say (direct or indirect disclosure) or through changes in their appearance, their behaviour, or their play.
Where any member of staff who has knowledge of, or a suspicion that, a child, young or vulnerable person is or has been suffering significant harm must refer their concern to the Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible but within 24 hours at the latest. The member of staff must make a dated record of the details of the concern (on the Safeguarding Incident Form if they please) and then send this on to their DSO through the MyConcern! software. The DSO will then use this information for investigation and action. The person raising the concern must not retain any written information. Please see the Safeguarding Staff user guide for further information.
All allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously. The learner or staff member must be advised that this information cannot be kept confidential and will be passed on to the Safeguarding Officer in SCL in the first instance.
Group Head of Safeguarding
Name: Kim Collins
Email: kim.collins@wearescl.co.uk
Group Safeguarding and Prevent Manager
Name: Joanne Collier
Email: joanne.collier@wearescl.co.uk
Soccer Coaching Limited (SCL Kids)
Name: Jack Fisher
Email: Jack.Fisher@wearescl.co.uk
SCL Professional Safeguarding Lead
Name: Holly Broady
Email: holly.broady@wearescl.co.uk
Senior Lead for Safeguarding (Board Member)
Name: Carole Carson (Executive Chair)
NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed in July 2021 with updates added by Kim Collins on 16th July 2021 (referencing MyConcern! software)
This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers, the board members, paid staff, volunteers and seasonal workers, agency staff, students or anyone working for and on behalf of SCL Education Group Ltd.[1] (SCL). The term ‘learner’ used in this policy refers to learners of SCL who attend interviews, online learning, study at our centres or apprentices in their place of work.
The purpose of this policy is:
To protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who receive SCL’s services. This also includes the children of adults who use our services and siblings of learners.
To provide parents, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection. Children are defined in the Children Act 1989 and 2004, as a person under the age of 18 years. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 defines a vulnerable adult as a person aged 18
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children, young people and vulnerable in England. A summary of the key legislation is available from:
This policy should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures including:
Commitment to the policy
We will ensure staff are committed to our safeguarding and prevent policy through a cycle of training and development, every member of SCL staff will commit to promoting learner safety and welfare every day.
The head of safeguarding will ensure that all staff are fully compliant and share Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019, ensuring that all staff read and understand Part 1 as a minimum requirement.
All key stake holders will be communicated with regularly outlining safeguarding responsibility, the SCL website contains our up-to-date safeguarding policy and contact information for the safeguarding team is provided for all key stake holders to be able to access further information upon request.
SCL have the required Safer Recruitment Policy in place which includes DBS and relevant checks to ensure suitability to the role.
Staff Training
All SCL staff are required to undertake safeguarding training upon induction which is renewable annually. Staff regularly receive further training throughout the year to ensure all SCL employees are confident at adhering to and implementing the fundamentals of the safeguarding policy.
All staff will be given a copy of this policy on appointment and are asked to ensure that they read and understand the contents. Any changes to this plan will be discussed in staff meetings to ensure that staff remain up to date and can act accordingly.
Our commitment
Our aims are to:
We recognise that:
We will seek to keep children, learners and apprentices safe by:
Welfare is defined as a child or vulnerable adult in need of universal help from those already involved or from a single or multiple agency response.
Missing from Education –
Children and young people and young people who go missing from education will fail to achieve their full potential academically and fail to achieve economic wellbeing in later life. They are also at a greater risk of physical harm, self- inflicted or inflicted by others, being sexually exploited and becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour, being employed illegally or abusing drugs and alcohol. In line with the duty under section 10 of the Children Act 2004, SCL must take reasonable steps to monitor learners’ attendance through a daily register. This is also completed for young people. Attendance should be monitored closely and poor or irregular attendance should be addressed. Please see Missing from Education Policy or more information.
Recognising abuse is not easy, and it is not the responsibility of staff, volunteers or learners to decide whether abuse has taken place or if there is significant risk. We do however have a responsibility to act if we think it may be happening.
Abuse, including neglect, includes forms of maltreatment of a child or vulnerable adult. Somebody may abuse a child or vulnerable adult by inflicting harm, by failing to act to prevent harm. Children and young people may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger for example via the internet. They may also be abused by an adult or adults, or by another child or children.
SCL will conduct rigorous checks and workplace risk assessments on each employer to ensure that all apprentices are safeguarded and can work in a place of safety. Each employer will be expected too actively engage in the apprentice onboarding process and remain committed to safeguarding the apprentices in the care.
Where required SCL will request the appropriate DBS check and safeguarding training for staff members at the apprentice’s work placement.
Child or Vulnerable Adult abuse – may be physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or neglect.
Significant harm – ill treatment or the impairment of health or development (compared with the health or development which might be expected of a similar child/ adult)
Physical abuse – actual or likely physical injury to a child or vulnerable adult, or failure to prevent injury. This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child or vulnerable adult they are looking after. This form of physical harm is recognised as Fabricated or Induced Illness.
Sexual abuse – actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult, including prostitution. Involving forcing or enticing a child or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities without their consent or understanding. The activities may involve physical contact including penetration or non- penetrative acts. For example, it may also include involving the child looking at or being involved in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging the victim to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. Can include grooming a child or vulnerable adult in preparation for abuse.
Emotional abuse – emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child or vulnerable adult with the intent to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the victim’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to the victim that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.
Age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children, causing children frequently to feel frightened, or the exploitation or corruption of children or young people will also constitute emotional abuse. This may also include overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning or participating in normal social interaction.
It can include seeing or hearing ill treatment of another person. It may include serious bullying, including cyber-bullying. It may include not giving the child or vulnerable adult opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them, or making fun of what they say or how they communicate.
Neglect – neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of their health or development such as failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, medical care or treatment or neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, their basic emotional/physical needs. It can include not protecting a child or vulnerable adult from emotional harm or danger.
Bullying and Harassment – Bullying can include a variety of behaviours from one individual/ group to another individual/ group such as name calling, offensive language, coercion, hitting, pushing, theft or damage to belongings, cyber, spreading harmful messages, hate crime or mate crime which is befriending someone with the intent to exploit them in some way.
All learners, apprentices and staff are expected to use the internet for research, communication and to view information relevant to the job role and course content. SCL always promote safe use of the internet in line within our IT acceptable usage policy. Systems are in place to identify websites which may have links to terrorist activities and sites related to the dark web. Inappropriate use of the internet is screened using search history reports by SCL central IT team.
When supervised staff will actively monitor learner and apprentice’s internet usage and are encouraged to review sites before recommended use.
The safe and responsible use of technology is sometimes presented as primarily a child or vulnerable adult protection issue. While children, young people and young people do need support to keep themselves safe online the risks associated with the use of technology. Examples include the mismanagement of personal data, risks of financial scams, identity theft, cyber bullying, grooming, and radicalisation.
Learning Difficulty and/or Disability – Children or adults with a learning difficulty and/or disability may be especially vulnerable to abuse or bullying any may have difficulties in communicating this to staff. At SCL, staff are skilled, experienced and they work closely with learners and their colleagues so they can identify signs at an early stage. Any reports of a learner with a learning difficulty and/or disability being abused or bullied will involve the Safeguarding Officer at the very earliest opportunity.
Risk to self and/or others – This may include but is not exclusive to self- harm, suicidal tendencies or potential risk of harming others, which may or may not include children. This may be because of an individual experiencing a significant level of personal, emotional trauma and/or stress. Domestic Violence – can be physical, emotional, sexual, neglect. This category also covers Forced Marriages and honour-based violence. Some learners may experience issues with drugs or alcohol to self-medicate or via dependence.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – Victims of FGM are likely to come from a community that is known to practice FGM. Professionals should note that girls at risk of FGM may not yet be aware of the practice or that it may be conducted on them, so sensitivity should always be shown when approaching the subject.
The FGM mandatory reporting duty is a legal duty provided for in the FGM
Act 2003 (as amended by the Serious Crime Act 2015). The legislation requires staff to report where, during their professional duties, they either are informed by a girl under 18 that an act of FGM has been carried out on her, observe physical signs which appear to show that an act of FGM has been carried out on a girl under 18 and they have no reason to believe that the act was necessary for the girl’s physical or mental health or for purpose with labour or birth. For the purposes of the duty, the relevant age is the girl’s age at the time of disclosure/identification of FGM
(i.e. it does not apply where a woman aged 18 or over discloses she had FGM when she was under 18).
Forced Marriage – One or both spouses do not consent to the marriage or consent is extracted under duress. Duress includes both physical and emotional pressure. A clear distinction must be made between a forced marriage and an arranged marriage. In arranged marriages, the families of both spouses take a leading role in choosing the marriage partner but the choice whether to accept the arrangement remains with the young people.
Modern slavery – Encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment.
Risks/ abuse related to family/cultural belief/ faith – It is important to remember that many children and young people are a part of a family. Some families have certain values and beliefs that can cause harm to a child or vulnerable adult. An example of this can include strong beliefs or a sense of honour or shame that can prevent people from seeking or accepting the help they need. A strong cultural or religious belief in the sanctity of marriage may dissuade people from leaving their partners, even if they are violent. In addition, many religions and cultures have strong beliefs around sex outside marriage, making it very hard for young, unmarried, pregnant women to get the help they need. Differences in culture or religion between partners, or between parents and children, may also make it more difficult for individuals to understand and support each other. Where one partner perceives their faith and heritage to be superior to, or more important than, their partner’s it can lead to a power imbalance and an erosion of the other partner’s self-esteem. In extreme cases children who are perceived as “disobedient” or “different” are believed to be possessed by a spirit controlling their behaviour. The children can be physically and emotionally abused to exorcise the spirit.
Parental Impacts – The issues of parents and carers can have a significant impact upon a child or vulnerable adult’s wellbeing. Some issues can include Substance Misuse, Mental Health and Domestic Abuse. It is also important to note that some children and young people also misuse drugs or alcohol when experiencing trauma in their own lives and they may require support around both factors. It is fundamental that wherever a concern is held for a child or vulnerable adult that confidentiality is respected however if the concern must involve the parent or carer for safeguarding reasons then it is good practice to work together and inform parents or carers of any referrals that may have to be made to support services.
In 2010, the Government published the Prevent Strategy. This raised an awareness of the specific need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. Please refer to our Prevent Duty Procedure.
Extremist groups have attempted to radicalise vulnerable children and young people to hold extreme views including views justifying political, religious, sexist or racist violence, or to steer them into a rigid and narrow ideology that is intolerant of diversity and leaves them vulnerable to future radicalisation.
Prevent is about Safeguarding our learners to keep them both safe and within the law. The Prevent Duty is not about preventing students from having political and religious views and concerns but about supporting them to use those concerns or act on them in non-extremist ways.
Radicalisation & Extremism – The holding of extreme political or religious views e.g. animal welfare rights, environmentalists, EDL / white supremacy groups, anti-gay groups, Islam / Christian ideology. The Counter Terrorism and Security Act, places a duty on specified authorities, including local authorities and childcare, education and other children’s services providers, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
(“The Prevent duty”)
The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom may include the exploitation of vulnerable people, to involve them in terrorism or in activity in support of terrorism. The normalisation of extreme views may also make children and young people vulnerable to future manipulation and exploitation.
SCL is clear that this exploitation and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern and that protecting children from the risk of radicalisation is part of the companies safeguarding duty.
Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism. Learners may become susceptible to radicalisation through a range of social, personal and environmental factors – it is known that violent extremists exploit vulnerabilities in individuals to drive a wedge between them and their families and communities. It is vital that school staff can recognize those vulnerabilities.
Extremism is defined by the Government in the Prevent Strategy as:
Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.
Channel is a multi-agency approach to provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist related activity. It is led by the regional Police Counter-Terrorism Unit, and it aims to:
The Channel programme focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. It provides a mechanism for schools to make referrals if they are concerned that an individual might be vulnerable to radicalisation. An individual’s participation in the programme is entirely voluntary at all stages.
Training Providers have a duty to cooperate with the Channel programme in the carrying out of its functions, and with the Police in providing information about an individual who is referred to Channel (Section 38, Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015).
Identity Crisis – the learner is distanced from their cultural / religious heritage and experiences discomfort about their place in society.
Personal Crisis – the learner may be experiencing family tensions; a sense of isolation; and low self- esteem; they may have dissociated from their existing friendship group and become involved with a new and different group of friends; they may be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging.
Personal Circumstances – migration; local community tensions; and events affecting the learner’s country or region of origin may contribute to a sense of grievance that is triggered by personal experience of racism or discrimination or aspects of Government policy
Unmet Aspirations – the learner may have perceptions of injustice: a feeling of failure
Rejection of civic life
Experiences of Criminality – which may include involvement with criminal groups, imprisonment, and poor resettlement / reintegration.
Special Educational Needs – learners may experience difficulties with social interaction, empathy with others, understanding the consequences of their actions and awareness of the motivations of others. However, this list is not exhaustive, nor does it mean that all young people experiencing the above are at risk of radicalisation for the purposes of violent extremism.
SCL recognises that whilst staff and volunteers who work with children and young people are committed to their wellbeing and care there exists a range of abuse perpetrated by workers that despite the best efforts and interventions can still take place.
An allegation may relate to a member of staff including a volunteer who works with children who has behaved in way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child, possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or behaved towards a child or children in way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children.
Where a member of staff finds a disclosure particularly distressing, they may wish to access the additional services within the SCL Employee Assistance Programme or contact HR Department for support.
SCL have an open-door policy for any staff who wish to discuss their concerns, staff will need to be mindful that SCL cannot as with learners to give absolute confidentiality to any disclosures All learners receive programme inductions which includes raising awareness of commitment towards Safeguarding, details of the support services that can be offered and contact details for the Safeguarding team. The understanding of all aspects of Safeguarding and safe working practices is checked at each review and the opportunity to discuss any issues is given.
Assessments are made to ensure that the learners wellbeing is safeguarded by the work placement and their teams to ensure arrangements are in place to, prior to work related activity commencing:
19.1 Manage Referrals
19.2 Working with Others
19.3 Ongoing Development & Raising Awareness
19.4 Confidentiality
A good working relationship between staff and students depends to a large extent on the establishment of trust. However, guarantees of absolute confidentiality should not be given. If a learner / staff member discloses to a member of staff, it is important that the boundaries of confidentiality and the need to pass on that information are explained.
It is often easier to explain to that you have a responsibility to pass on information on certain matters than to get into a situation where you break a confidence.
19.5 Disciplinary Action
It is a criminal offence for a person over 18 in a position of trust to enter a sexual relationship with any learner under 18 years old, even if the relationship is consensual. If allegations are made against staff the same procedures as outlined above must be followed. If a member of staff suspects abuse, whether sexual or otherwise, from another member of staff, the HR Designated Safeguarding Officer must be informed.
Depending on the severity of the allegations outside agencies may be informed and/or the staff disciplinary procedure may be invoked.
Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from the delivery of services or internally disciplined because of misconduct relating to a learner, we notify the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) so that appropriate action is taken.
19.6 Safer Recruitment Processes
The Staff member who receives the allegation or disclosure should make an immediate written record of the conversation, including the following information:
Recording – When recording an incident, this should be done using the MyConcern! secure platform.
Whilst you can record observations, do not interpret or give opinion as this may bias the information provided and jeopardise any future investigation into the allegation.
Report – Any issues or concerns, allegations or suspicions relating to Safeguarding must be taken seriously and reported to a Safeguarding Officer. All issues or concerns should then be logged through the MyConcern! software.
Refer – Where required, the Safeguarding Representative will refer or support you with guidance on next steps and / or signposting the relevant external agency.
19.8 Disclosure
SCL strongly supports the principle of working in partnership with children, parents/ carers and adults. This means seeking clear, explicit and informed consent from the individual(s) concerned for information about them to be shared with specified other individuals or agencies where consistent with the individual(s) best interests.
It is possible, however, to identify some circumstances in which sharing confidential information without consent will normally be justified in the public interest. These are:
19.9 Promotion of Safeguarding through Teaching and Learning
We are committed to promoting awareness of learner abuse issues and prevent throughout our training and learning programmes for adults.
19.10 Responding to Suspicions
SCL is committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused.’ (DfE 2014)
We acknowledge that abuse or neglect of basic safety and welfare procedures for learners can take place and that this can take different forms – physical, emotional, and sexual as well as employer’s neglect of legal responsibilities and neglect of parental or statutory responsibilities (including where young people are in care of social services). We also acknowledge that this can take the form of ‘virtual’ or internet-based abuse or neglect.
We recognise that when young people or young people are suffering from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or may be experiencing neglect, this may be demonstrated through the things they say (direct or indirect disclosure) or through changes in their appearance, their behaviour, or their play.
Where any member of staff who has knowledge of, or a suspicion that, a child, young or vulnerable person is or has been suffering significant harm must refer their concern to the Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible but within 24 hours at the latest. The member of staff must make a dated record of the details of the concern (on the Safeguarding Incident Form if they please) and then send this on to their DSO through the MyConcern! software. The DSO will then use this information for investigation and action. The person raising the concern must not retain any written information. Please see the Safeguarding Staff user guide for further information.
All allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously. The learner or staff member must be advised that this information cannot be kept confidential and will be passed on to the Safeguarding Officer in SCL in the first instance.
Group Head of Safeguarding
Name: Kim Collins
Email: kim.collins@wearescl.co.uk
Group Safeguarding and Prevent Manager
Name: Joanne Collier
Email: joanne.collier@wearescl.co.uk
Soccer Coaching Limited (SCL Kids)
Name: Jack Fisher
Email: Jack.Fisher@wearescl.co.uk
SCL Professional Safeguarding Lead
Name: Holly Broady
Email: holly.broady@wearescl.co.uk
Senior Lead for Safeguarding (Board Member)
Name: Carole Carson (Executive Chair)
NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed in July 2021 with updates added by Kim Collins on 16th July 2021 (referencing MyConcern! software)