English & Maths Strategy

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English and Maths (Calculation & Communication) Strategy 2021/2022


Introduction and Context

The increasing emphasis that is placed on the continuous development of English and maths skills both by the government and employers is influencing the development of a post-16 curriculum.

As highlighted in the White Paper Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth January 2021:

“Most occupations require competence in English, maths, and digital skills. (31) However, 49% of adults have numeracy skills no better than the level expected of an 11-year-old; for literacy, it is 15% (32) 52% of the workforce do not have essential digital skills for work (33).  We need to address this so employers get the competent staff they need and people without these skills can develop them in order to find a good job or progress their careers.”

At SCL Education Group we see English and maths as Gateway qualifications that offer support and progression to higher level courses, apprenticeships, and employment. We are passionate about giving our learners the support they need to improve their confidence in English and maths, enabling them to function independently in all aspects of their life and work.  These skills are essential for both progressing within further study and progressing to and within employment.

In response to research findings SCL Education Group’s ‘English and Maths Strategy’ has been developed to drive forward the development of all learners’ and staff’s English and maths skills, whether that is through the standalone GCSE and Functional Skills English and maths qualifications on Study Programmes or through the ambition to develop these skills through the integration of new knowledge and skills within Apprenticeship standards, Traineeships and AEB courses.

In addition, our ambition is to further develop English and maths skills in all our learners, across all provision types, regardless of whether they have GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications on entry. All learners will have access to Skills Forward to fill knowledge gaps regardless of their prior achievement.

In the wake of the pandemic, we will carefully consider the impact of the TAG/CAG system where some learners may have inflated grades and need extra support to be working at level 2. These considerations will be taken into account across the Group, and the necessary care will be taken when levelling learners to ensure that they are enrolled onto courses which are correct for their level of study.


The Strategy

SCL Education Group recognises the need for a whole organisational approach to English and maths, ranging from strong governance and accountability, and robust and relentless senior leadership, to the delivery of exceptional Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) across all provision types.  The Group English and Maths Strategy illustrates the steps that will be taken to achieve the identified objectives and give clarity to all staff and management.


Our aspirations to deliver outstanding English and maths provision will be self-evident in our use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Objective: KPI:
% Learners at E & M TMG 50% to 65%
% Learners at or above E & M TMG 70% to 80%
Retention Rates for FS English (Entry Level) 91% to 94%
Retention Rates for Functional Skill English (Level One) 86% to 90%
Retention Rates for Functional Skill English (Level Two) 85% to 90%
Overall Achievement Rates % Functional Skills English (Entry level) 84% to 89%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS English Level One


67% to 75%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS English Level Two 64% to 70%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Entry Level) 93% to 96%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Level One) 86% to 91%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Level Two) 86% to 91%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Entry Level) 87% to 92%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Level One) 62% to 68%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Level Two) 63% to 67%
% Learners Satisfied with English and Maths Quality 90% to 95%
% Achievement Gaps (Ethnicity) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Gender) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Disability) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Disadvantaged) No more than 5% to 10%


Our Pledge           

We are intent on delivering outstanding English and maths provision that enables our learners to make the most of their lives, contribute successfully to society and increase their social mobility.


Student Entitlement

  • SCL have a responsibility to ensure all full time and substantive part time learners have the opportunity to develop and gain appropriate qualifications in English and maths up to Level  2 and beyond in line with Government
  • English and maths development is a required and integral part of all provision types and will be promoted within all course literature and offered as a key component.
  • As a rule, to appropriately stretch learners, all learners that have not yet achieved a GCSE at grade 1 (F/G) in English and/or maths will initially study a Functional Skill qualification in the This is to provide learners with the maximum opportunity to achieve over and above their prior attainment.
  • All learners that have a GCSE at grade 1 (F/G) to a grade 3 (D) in English and/or maths will study towards a GCSE in that subject to develop skills and meet the condition of
  • The enrolment of each learner will be reviewed individually within the first 6 weeks of each course to ensure that learners have been enrolled onto a course that is suitable for them and to recognise the impact of any inaccurate TAGs learners may have achieved in 2020/21.
  • SCL will further develop English and maths skills in all our learners, across all provision types, regardless of whether they have GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications on entry. Our Specialist English and Maths team will carefully assess the impact of the TAG/CAG system where some learners may have inflated grades and may need extra support to be working at level 2.
  • Learners who are exempt from English and Maths study will continue their English and Maths development through their use of Skills Forward and activities embedded in their vocational study.
  • Alternative English and maths pathways may be chosen for learners on an individual basis and in consultation with the Head of English and Maths, Curriculum Managers, Divisional Heads of Area and Director of Quality and This may apply where learners are demonstrating abilities and skills that do not align with their prior attainment.


Levelling Process

Study Programme

Prior attainment Course enrolment
Learner has no prior attainment in either English or Maths. Learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Entry Level 3 or Functional Skills Level 1 for English and Maths dependent on Initial Assessment and Diagnostic.
Learner has previously achieved a Grade 1 (F/G), Grade 2 (E/F), or Grade 3 (D/E) in GCSE Maths/English Language and GCSE English Literature. Learner is enrolled on GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language to support their attainment of a pass.
Learner has previously achieved a Grade 4+ (C or above) in GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language or GCSE English Literature. Learner is exempt from studying Maths and English. Learner continues to develop their English and Maths skills through use of Skills Forward and Main Aim contextualisation.
Learners should not be enrolled on a Main Aim Level 3 course without prior attainment in English and Maths.



  • Learner A achieves a 5 in GCSE Maths, a 2 in GCSE English Language and a 3 in GCSE English Literature.
  • Learner A is exempt from studying Maths but re-enrolled on a GCSE English Language course.


  • Learner B achieves a 3 in GCSE Maths, a 3 in GCSE English Language and a 4 in English Literature.
  • Learner B is re-enrolled only on GCSE Maths. Learner B is exempt from studying GCSE English Language because of his Grade 4 in English Literature.


  • Learner C achieves a 4 in GCSE Maths and a 4 in GCSE English Language.
  • Learner C is exempt from studying both Maths and English.


Levelling Process

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Learner has not yet achieved a passing grade in Maths or English Learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Level 1 or Functional Skills Level 2 dependent on their Initial Assessment and Diagnostic results.If a learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Level 1 they will be guided through achieving their qualification with the aim to take Functional Skills Level 2 in the same year.

Our Strategic Focus Areas are defined below:

  1. English and maths are seen as Gateway qualifications to employment and progression.
  2. Maximise learners’ capability and confidence in maths, English, and communication, building skills for successful careers.
  3. Learners invest in the transferable skills of English and maths for future careers and ‘jobs not yet invented’.
  4. Staff deliver English and maths using creative, innovative, and engaging methods.
  5. Maximise opportunities for staff to progress their skills in English and maths.


Accomplishing the Strategic Focus Areas:

English and maths are Gateway qualifications to employment and progression:

  • A cross-organisational approach to the co-ordination of English and maths ensures robust standardisation and facilitates sharing of high-quality resources and successful teaching methods. This will include targeted support for learners with TAG grades who initially assess at a lower level than their grades on entry using our E-learning platforms Skills Forward and EQUAL.
  • The importance of English and maths will be emphasised in SCL’s marketing materials, Induction programmes and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG).
  • Everyone with responsibility for learners actively promotes the relevance and importance of English and maths with the learners from the time of their first interview.
  • SCL will monitor progress in English and maths within all aspects of the Quality Assurance (QA) cycle.
  • Trainer Assessors in Apprenticeships will front-load functional skills and complete these in the first 6 months to ensure timely achievement in readiness for End point Assessment. Trainers will utilise the EQUAL E-learning platform to personalise learning for apprentices and contextualise English and maths skills to workplace activity. Progress will be closely monitored monthly as part of caseload reviews.
  • Staff will support the view that acquisition of English and maths skills is equally as important as learners’ vocational and academic aims.
  • A centralised English and maths Team, under the leadership of the Head of English and Maths, will drive forward the planning, delivery, and continuous improvement of SCL’s English and maths curriculum for all types of provision, including our Study Programmes, Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and adult learning courses.


Maximise learners’ capability and confidence in maths, English, and communication, building skills for successful careers:

  • Learners gain the skills necessary to live fulfilling and exciting careers with confidence in their English and maths abilities and with the understanding that with strong skills in these areas, they can make a significant contribution to society and the economy.
  • Learners on Study Programmes will be set a Target Minimum Grade for GCSEs, which will be between 1 and 3 grades higher than their qualification on entry. This will be tracked and monitored through Pro-monitor and data reports and updated following GCSE mock exams.
  • For Apprenticeship, Traineeship and AEB provision all learners will benefit from initial and diagnostic assessment carried out expediently at the outset of their programme and utilised to inform Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). We utilise Skills Forward to help us to ensure that all learners are appropriately advised and that they have the ability to achieve the levels required in English and maths. Skills Forward also helps us to identify learners who may be able to accelerate their progress and progression.
  • Where learners are exempt from the need to complete English and maths qualifications (identified during staff will have the ambition to ensure that all learners are provided with continuous opportunities to enhance and develop their English and maths skills throughout their full learning journey. English and Maths will be contextualised throughout main aim study regardless of learners’ prior attainment, and C&C staff will support during Standardisation meetings to provide feedback on completed work and assignments from an English and Maths perspective.
  • The English and Maths Team will support staff training and delivery of Initial and Diagnostic Assessments. Weekly audits will be completed, and reports sent to Head of English & Maths including specific details of any at risk learners/clubs. This will then be reported as part of monthly SLT
  • All year 1 progressing learners will complete an Initial Assessment and diagnostic at the end of their current academic year ahead of their September
  • Learners enrolled on Functional Skills qualifications will be expected to complete Initial & diagnostic assessments as well as a Distance Travelled assessment demonstrating progress on Skills Forward before, they can be booked onto an
  • Vocational Teachers, Trainer/Assessors and English and Maths Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that initial and diagnostic assessments have been completed and that the information is used to plan appropriate strategies to develop skills and tracked on Skills Forward. At the mid-point of their course, all learners enrolled on English and/or Maths will complete a ‘Distance Travelled’ assessment on Skills Forward to demonstrate their progress since the beginning of the course, and provide updated data outlining learning gaps to further target teaching.
  • Staff will assist learners to achieve the greatest ‘distance travelled’ in their progress from initial assessment to completion.
  • Staff have high aspirations to prepare learners who can fulfil employers’ needs for English and maths skills at the highest industry standards.
  • All staff model high expectations in their own execution of English and maths through their delivery and their support activities, providing a model for outstanding practice.


Learners invest in the transferable skills of English and maths for future careers and ‘jobs not yet invented’:

  • Where appropriate, learners will receive advice and guidance that includes information on the portability and versatility of English and maths. They will learn how these areas of thinking and understanding contribute to the wider skills of problem solving, analysis and critical thinking in a wide variety of roles.
  • All staff will demonstrate the importance of English and maths in their vocational field. This will be achieved through integration of English and maths into a project-based approach to delivery of sports programmes.
  • The English and maths team will work closely with Careers Leads to ensure that essential numeracy and literacy skills are integrated through our Personal Development Programme and Work Experience/Industry Placements including where guest speakers will promote English and maths as vital employability skills.
  • The English and maths team will work closely with Head of Sports Excellence to ensure that essential numeracy and literacy skills are integrated through our Sports Excellence Programme and bespoke activity at each partner club.
  • Learners will be provided with examples of outstanding English and maths practice through a wide variety of delivery methods, including ICT, providing them with a breadth of learning experiences from which they derive transferable skills to use in their future careers.
  • SCL will work to fully understand the developing needs of employers and observe the research and guidance from Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to ensure that delivery of English and maths replicates the needs of the future workforce.
  • SCL will provide appropriate facilities, including effective materials, to support learners’ personal and independent development in English and maths.


Staff deliver English and maths using creative, innovative, and engaging methods:

  • Barriers to progression and into employment created by skills gaps in English and maths will be challenged and overcome through the embedding of English and maths into all teaching and learning situations.
  • Staff delivering Apprenticeships, Traineeships and AEB courses will be trained in the use of the E-learning platform EQUAL so that the teaching of English and maths is personalised to the learner.
  • High expectations for learners’ achievement in English and maths will be paramount and accomplished through effective target setting, stretch and challenge activities, differentiation and raising aspirations.
  • Assessment of the quality of teaching and learning will highlight English and maths as a key area of focused activity for development and as an expected inclusion when assessing any teaching and learning. This will help continually increase standards of delivery in all areas.
  • Learners will benefit from having detailed ILPs that direct them to high quality learning in the areas they need to make most progress in. Progress against these plans will be monitored regularly through the Progress Coach, Learning Support Advisor, Teacher and Trainer reviews. Tracking and monitoring of progress against target grades for GCSE will be recorded on Pro-monitor.
  • Standards for teaching and learning will carry inherent expectations for the inclusion of high-quality English and maths content.
  • Quality Assurance processes will detail learners’ experience and understanding and evaluation of their English and maths experiences and will be used to constantly improve provision.
  • To meet current awarding body criteria a dedicated team of admin staff is required to conduct exam invigilation for Functional Skills. Accredited invigilation training will be provided for vocational teachers who invigilate GCSE exams.
  • SCL’s approach is that all Teachers, Trainer/Assessors, Learning Support Advisors and Progress Coaches maximise opportunities to develop English and maths skills for all learners where appropriate using the delivery models.


Maximise opportunities for staff to progress their skills in English and maths:

  • Staff will have the opportunity to develop their own English and maths skills from their existing personal starting point.
  • SCL engenders a culture whereby staff are enabled to share their areas for improvement in English and maths and receive appropriate support to develop.
  • Staff utilise the experience of their peers to develop good practice in the embedding of English and maths in vocational delivery through a series of peer observations and standardization meetings.
  • The Training and Development Policy will be reviewed to meet the professional development needs of the workforce.
  • A bespoke English Trainer and Maths Trainer will be responsible for the delivery and development of staff’s English and maths skills.
  • Employer and other stakeholder involvement will be planned into the learner journey, so that learners get maximum exposure to the world of work and potential career opportunities.


Implementation and Responsibilities

To maintain a focused approach on the integration of the English and Maths Strategy, all delivery staff will be asked to review the pledge and incorporate local actions into their Business Plans, Quality Improvement Plans and Performance Review meetings.

Governance Responsibilities:

The effectiveness of the Strategy will be assessed through the Quality Assurance and Improvement Strategy and by monitoring SLC’s KPIs. External oversight and challenge of English and Maths provision will be provided by Non-Executives Directors at quarterly Performance Quality Governance Board meetings.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Responsibilities:

SLT has a responsibility to acknowledge the importance of English and Maths and to enforce its implementation and promotion by:

  • Full implementation, review and evaluation of the English and Maths Strategy.
  • Management of infrastructure and to support improvements to services.
  • Management of resources and systems development, including the Pro Suite to support tracking of learner progress.
  • Setting and monitoring KPIs to review effectiveness.
  • Agreeing strategies to support underperforming areas and striving for Good or Outstanding in Ofsted Inspections.
  • Committing to continuous management and succession planning.

Head of English & Maths Responsibilities:

  • Lead on and operationalise the E & M Strategy for SCL
  • Ensure the quality of E & M provision is at a high standard and to provide appropriate opportunities for learners to achieve English and maths to at least Level 2
  • Support CMs to ensure learners’ programme of study meets the Condition of Funding
  • Recruit and select high quality staff to deliver English and Maths
  • Ensure all Functional Skills/GCSE delivery staff are set clear retention, attendance, and achievement targets
  • Chair monthly performance review meetings with each Regional Area and ensure the cross-company team provide regular updates on student progress
  • Establish and lead on an English and Maths Operational Steering Group
  • Conduct quality assurance audits for English and Maths which will be supported by the Quality Improvement Team
  • Ensure that there are robust internal verification systems in place for each centre and that quality assurance is compliant with the exam board and SCL requirements
  • Facilitate and support the centralised timetabling of English and Maths
  • Performance manage English and Maths delivery team, ensuring effective tracking and monitoring of student progress to drive improvements in student outcomes
  • Lead the IA and diagnostic process and ensure all new learners have completed assessments within agreed time frames and in advance of enrolment
  • Be accountable for student outcomes in English and Maths and strive for excellence in teaching, learning and assessment
  • Ensure there is an effective sickness cover strategy in place
  • Ensure staff hours are fully utilised and site delivery teams are deployed to meet curriculum service needs
  • Provide appropriate CPD to drive quality improvements within English and Maths teams
  • Ensure all students are registered and enrolled on the appropriate qualification to meet Conditions of Funding
  • Ensure suitable GCSE exam centres are booked for all students and complete registration process
  • Support Quality Team with Quality Review Meetings and the completion of the Self-Assessment Report
  • OFSTED lead for English and Maths


Head of Education and Training/Professional Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that English and Maths is an integral part of the Curriculum Plan and is positively promoted within Regional Areas/Routeways, addressing attendance, punctuality, behaviour, and retention issues as they arise
  • Action audit reports on Skills Forward and GCSE Pod as outlined by Head of E & M
  • Promote the E&M to all stakeholders, so that students understand the importance of completing all components and using all available E-learning platforms to maximise achievement
  • Ensure Faculty CPD plans make specific reference to E & M by supporting staff to upskill and attain a minimum Level 2 qualification in English and Maths.
  • Be accountable for the overall GCSE and Functional Skills E & M achievement rates for regions/routeways
  • Closely monitor attendance rates for E & M lessons and exams so that they at least equal those in vocational areas
  • Adhere to exam guidelines and requirements set out by the exam’s manager/officer
  • Be accountable for operational responsibilities related to exam bookings, to include suitable transport, accommodation, and resources

Curriculum/Routeway Manager Responsibilities:

  • Ensure appropriate activities are planned and delivered in E & M hours and are focused to support the development and attainment of E & M qualifications
  • Work collaboratively with Head of E & M to support the strategy when classes need covering due to staff sickness and absence
  • Inform E & M teachers of anything impacting on timetables, such as planned trips or work experience at the start of the academic year and update throughout if changes occur
  • Inspect clubs to ensure venues are fit for purpose to hold exams, prior to mock exams taking place in December and report any issues to Head of English and Maths
  • Address attendance and behaviour issues in collaboration with the English and Maths team
  • Be accountable for operational responsibilities related to exam bookings and invigilation to include suitable transport, accommodation, and resources
  • Be accountable for the overall GCSE and Functional Skills E & M achievement rates for regions/routeways

Vocational Tutor Responsibilities (E&T):

  • Ensure initial assessments and diagnostic assessments are completed in a timely manner and that opportunity is given to learners to complete allocated resources on Skills Forward and EQUAL
  • Ensure data from initial assessments is used to inform planning of teaching, learning and assessment and group profiles/ILPs
  • Ensure UCI numbers are collected from learners’ GCSE certificates, and it is recorded whether learners have passed their Spoken Language Endorsement.
  • Audit attendance at E & M lessons daily
  • Ensure learners have opportunity and are engaging with Skills Forward, EQUAL and GCSE pod
  • Track and monitor learner progress against TMG
  • Follow the assessment schedule related to IA, delivery, mock exams (including marking of exams) and actual Functional Skills exams. This will include notifying the E & M co-ordinator when exams are required
  • Attend CPD as identified by yourself, your line manager and the Head of English and Maths
  • Report any concerns with learner progress to the English and Maths Lead
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams when required.
  • Ensure all EHCPs, Form 8s, specific exam access arrangement requests are communicated with SENDCo and Exams Officer by the arranged deadline.

Trainer Assessor (Apprenticeships) Responsibilities:

  • Ensure all learners undertaking English and maths complete timely and effective initial assessment by the client engagement team either at the initial interview stage or before enrolment.
  • Provide all learners undertaking English and maths with a diagnostic assessment on commencement of their programme of study and provide individual learning plans that clearly identify short- and long-term targets in relation to English and maths.
  • Ensure all apprenticeship learners have completed their maths and English qualifications by month 6 of their programme through effective front-loading of delivery.
  • Provide effective and timely feedback on progress to all learners and employers through 1-1s and progress reviews so that they are clear about what they are doing well and what they need to do to improve.
  • Develop a consistent approach in regard to the delivery and integration of maths and English through the effective use of training, standardisation meetings and sharing best practice.
  • Provide a robust and effective tracking system, using One File, EQUAL and Skills Forward, to ensure all staff are clear on the progress of learners and can identify timely actions to improve learner performance.
  • Ensure flexible delivery that provides differentiated learning opportunities – including workshops and blended learning – which enables learners to make progress at a speed which reflects their ability to learn and their motivation to improve their English and maths skills.
  • Provide high quality ALS, including language support, to enhance learner progress through classroom support and additional support in the workplace.
  • Plan delivery in collaboration with employers so that both parties understand the relevance of the learning and make it authentic and realistic for the apprentice and the workplace.
  • Identify and develop a team of specialist English and maths trainers to support delivery across the business. All Trainer Assessors to achieve the Reformed functional skills qualifications in maths and English by August 2021.
  • Raise achievement rates in maths and English through the development of robust schemes of work, E-learning resources and a focus on colleague training.
  • Where it is appropriate, learners should have the opportunity to progress, in-year, to the next level for maths and English.
  • Ensure that there is consistency in regard to marking of learners’ classwork and assignments for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG).
  • Identify opportunities to develop maths and English integration in all schemes of work and TLAPs.
  • Ensure that the internally assessed components of the Functional Skills qualifications are completed to a high standard across all divisions.
  • Ensure that the internally moderated components of the Functional Skills qualifications go through a robust and standardised internal quality assurance process.
  • RAG rate all learners on data reports to identify where support is needed and ensure early intervention maximises achievement.
  • Actively promote and encourage the integration and use of technology in delivery
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually.

English and Maths Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Assess and record learners’ prior achievements in English and maths
  • Register learners on to the appropriate English and maths qualification and level
  • Support all learners to complete initial and diagnostic assessments
  • Provide weekly reports to Head of English and maths of completion of IA and diagnostics.  Highlight all ‘At Risk’ learns and/or clubs with actions outstanding
  • Deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment, following the CSPAR strategy, supporting learners to achieve the best possible outcomes
  • Ensure English and Maths resources meet the needs of the learners and awarding bodies.
  • Complete English & Maths registers daily.
  • Deliver consistent, high quality teaching to enable learners of all ability to progress.
  • Ensure learner progress is tracked appropriately using Skills Forward, GCSE Pod, EQUAL and Pro-monitor
  • Attend CPD as identified by Curriculum Managers, yourself, and your line manager
  • Enter learners for FS exams in adherence to Exam procedures and guidelines and submit results to the Exams Department as soon as possible
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually.

Teaching Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Support the English and Maths teacher to enhance learning either in groups or individually, ensuring students understand the work set, know their learning objectives, and stay on task to make progress
  • Work collaboratively with the English and Maths teacher to develop lesson plans, schemes of work and learning resources
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to provide extra help to learners with additional learning needs
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to develop strategies to support and encourage learners to move towards independent learning
  • Monitor and check learner attendance and punctuality and take responsibility for timely completion of registers
  • Contribute to a range of assessment processes and use information effectively, for example: written records, progress updates on Pro-monitor
  • Utilise Pro-Suite to record and monitor learner progress and achievement
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to manage the behaviour of students and ensure a constructive environment whilst undertaking learning
  • In clubs where face-to-face delivery takes place, collect any completed work and resources after the lesson and forward them to the English and Maths teacher
  • Foster and encourage positive, effective, nurturing, and safe learning environments inspiring learners to take pride in and learn from their individual achievements
  • Accompany learners on trips, visits, and other educational activities
  • Provide cover as and when necessary for the English and Maths teacher, and carry out general admin associated with the role
  • Work closely with English and Maths teachers to ensure own contribution aligns with Functional Skills and GCSE teaching
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Keep up to date with knowledge of education standards
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams as required.

Progress Coach Responsibilities:

  • Work in collaboration with the English and Maths team to achieve SCL’s unique ‘Curriculum Intent’, playing a vital role in rapidly improving the English and Maths skills of all learners
  • Develop excellent working relationships with the English and Maths team which will contribute to improving retention, progress, achievement, and end destinations of all learners
  • Collaborate with English and Maths teachers to ensure that group tutorials support the ongoing development of English and Maths skills
  • Provide a range of professional early interventions to support learners to have good emotional, mental health and wellbeing, along with resilience and coping strategies to maximise achievement in English and Maths
  • Contribute to improving attendance at English and Maths lessons through supportive communication strategies alongside diligent and rigorous monitoring of data, trends, and issues
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams as required.
  • Contribute to additional exam support arrangements as required, including direct delivery of emotional and wellbeing support to increase resilience in students throughout exam period


MIS and Admin Team Responsibilities:

  • MIS must upload UCI numbers for GCSE learners and send them across to exam centres to ensure learners are registered correctly
  • Assess learners’ Maths and English levels by checking prior attainment and transferring learners to the relevant offering
  • Liaise with the Exam Centre, Tutors and Exams, and awarding bodies to process all learner registrations on GCSE and Functional Skills

Exams Officer Responsibilities:

  • Functional Skills/GCSE registrations
  • Booking controlled assessments, on-line and paper-based
  • Organising access arrangements for any learners who require reasonable adjustments or special considerations in examinations
  • Recording exam results and publishing these in Teams
  • Dissemination of exam result breakdown reports to English and Maths teachers
  • Checking all papers for controlled assessments are correctly and accurately completed
  • Inputting GCSE grades on Pro-Achieve
  • Claiming Functional Skills certificates
  • Send GCSE Spoken Language Endorsement recordings to Tutors and Exams
  • Update NCFE tracker with all controlled assessment bookings
  • End of year reconciliation and rollover any passed components to 21/22
  • Closing down GCSE/FS on Prosolution
  • Sending out invigilation packs to Tutors for mock exams and exams
  • Create and maintain a regular CPD schedule for invigilation training.
  • Provide invigilation training for vocational teachers, TAs, Progress Coaches, and other staff members who invigilate Functional Skills examinations.


Delivery Models

Delivery Model for Study Programme – GCSE

  • All GCSE lessons will be delivered online to remain in line with the newly developed, digitally driven FE models in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • All GCSE learners will be assigned to an English and/or Maths Specialist and added to a Team on Microsoft Teams with their cohort, and potentially other clubs’ cohorts depending on cohort size. GCSE lessons will take place within these Teams in the ‘General’ channel.
  • To ensure learners are enrolled on a course suitable for them, learner progress will be closely monitored. Course enrolment for English and Maths is subject to change if learners demonstrate that they are working above or below the course on which they have been enrolled.
  • English and Maths Specialists will post updates, support materials, and further information to assist learners within their Microsoft Teams Team.
  • All learners have a responsibility to turn their notifications on for this Team and read and act upon messages posted by their Specialist.
  • Learners will receive 2 hours of GCSE delivery and support per week across 34 weeks of the academic year, totalling 68 hours of tuition.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability.
  • The Head of English and Maths will work closely with the Quality Team to carry out lesson observations and ensure high quality teaching and learning, with support in place for quality improvement where required.
  • CPD is arranged both internally and externally to upskill English & Maths Specialists.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund and Cover Supervisors will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their study skills in advance of examinations.
  • Compulsory assignments will be assigned to learners via Microsoft Teams and GCSEPod and will be due for submission within 7 days of the lesson. Submitted work will be marked within 10 working days of the closing date.
  • Learners will complete 2 GCSE mock exams across the course of the academic year, one in December and one in April, to help identify areas of strength and areas of development and to target teaching to suit learner needs.
  • As an exception, where there are anticipated large cohort size, we will endeavour to provide face to face English and maths delivery. This is subject to cohort size and recruitment of staff in the area.
  • Where face to face delivery is agreed, learners’ main aim courses must be timetabled around English and maths courses as a priority, as there will be a combination of learners enrolled on Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications across both subjects.
  • Learners enrolled on A Level courses must already have achieved GCSE Maths and GCSE English qualifications of Grade 4 or above and therefore should be exempt from GCSE study.


Delivery Model for Study Programme – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills lessons will be delivered online to remain in line with the newly developed, digitally driven HE models in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • All Functional Skills learners will be assigned to an English and/or Maths Specialist and added to a Team on Microsoft Teams with their cohort, and potentially other clubs’ cohorts depending on cohort size. Functional Skills lessons will take place within these Teams in the ‘General’ channel.
  • English and Maths Specialists will post updates, support materials, and further information to assist learners within their Microsoft Teams Team.
  • All learners have a responsibility to turn their notifications on for this Team and read and act upon messages posted by their Specialist.
  • Learners will receive 2 hours of Functional Skills delivery and support per week across 34 weeks of the academic year, totalling 68 hours of tuition across all levels.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability.
  • The Head of English and Maths will work closely with the Quality Team to carry out lesson observations and ensure high quality teaching and learning, with support in place for quality improvement where required.
  • CPD is arranged both internally and externally to upskill English & Maths Specialists.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund and Cover Supervisors will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their study skills in advance of examinations.
  • Compulsory assignments will be assigned to learners via Microsoft Teams, and will be due for submission within 7 days of the lesson. Submitted work will be marked within 10 working days of the closing date.
  • Learners must access Skills Forward and/or EQUAL to support their learning in addition to lesson attendance.
  • Before sitting a Functional Skills exam, learners must sit a Distance Travelled assessment on Skills Forward which demonstrates progress.
  • As an exception, where there are anticipated large cohort size, we will endeavour to provide face to face English and maths delivery. This is subject to cohort size and recruitment of staff in the area.
  • Where face to face delivery is agreed, learners’ main aim courses must be timetabled around English and maths courses as a priority, as there will be a combination of learners enrolled on Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications across both subjects.
  • Learners enrolled on A Level courses must already have achieved GCSE Maths and GCSE English qualifications of Grade 4 or above and therefore should be exempt from GCSE study.


Delivery Model for Apprenticeships – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills delivery for Apprenticeships will be delivered online to flexibly work around working schedules.
  • Trainer Assessors will work collaboratively with employers to embed and support the development of numeracy and literacy skills needed in the workplace.
  • To ensure learners are enrolled on a course suitable for them, learner progress will be closely monitored. Course enrolment for English and Maths is subject to change if learners demonstrate that they are working above or below the course on which they have been enrolled.
  • Trainer Assessors will work with the quality team to develop milestones for functional skills English and Maths on delivery plans.
  • Learners will complete Distance Travelled assessments and/or practice papers in advance of being registered to sit a Functional Skills exam to assess their aptitude.
  • English and Maths delivery will be frontloaded at the beginning of apprenticeship courses while being embedded and contextualised within core apprenticeship delivery.
  • Learners on Apprenticeships will receive up to 2 hours per week delivery and support from their Trainer Assessors and EQUAL E-Learning to develop their aptitude in English and Maths.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability, and support Trainer Assessors in delivery.
  • Quality of lessons will be assessed through developmental and formal observations, with support from the Quality Team to upskill Trainer Assessors.
  • Trainer Assessors are continuously upskilled by the central English and Maths Team with regular Standardisation meetings.
  • Full tracking of English and Math delivery will be supported on OneFile and Skills Forward.


Delivery Model for Traineeships – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills delivery for Apprenticeships will be delivered online to flexibly work around working schedules.
  • Trainer Assessors will work collaboratively with employers to embed and support the development of numeracy and literacy skills needed in the workplace
  • Trainer Assessors will work with the quality team to develop milestones for functional skills English and Maths on delivery plans.
  • Learners will complete Distance Travelled assessments and/or practice papers in advance of being registered to sit a Functional Skills exam to assess their aptitude.
  • English and Maths delivery will be frontloaded at the beginning of apprenticeship courses while being embedded and contextualised within core apprenticeship delivery.
  • Learners on Apprenticeships will receive up to 2 hours per week delivery and support from a Functional Skills Specialist Tutor and Skills EQUAL E-Learning to develop their aptitude in English and Maths.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability, and support Trainer Assessors in delivery.
  • Quality of lessons will be assessed through developmental and formal observations, with support from the Quality Team to upskill Trainer Assessors.
  • Trainer Assessors are continuously upskilled by the central English and Maths Team with regular Standardisation meetings.
  • Full tracking of English and Math delivery will be supported on OneFile and Skills Forward.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their skills in advance of examinations.



  • Educating for the modern world (Confederation of British Industry, 2018), p.22; No Longer Optional: Employer Demand for Digital Skills (Burning Glass Technologies and Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, 2019), p.31.
  • Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 (Lloyds Bank, 2020).
  • Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Education by Command of Her Majesty January 2021
  • The 2011 Skills for Life Survey: A Survey of Literacy, Numeracy, and ICT Levels in England (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2012).

English and Maths (Calculation & Communication) Strategy 2021/2022


Introduction and Context

The increasing emphasis that is placed on the continuous development of English and maths skills both by the government and employers is influencing the development of a post-16 curriculum.

As highlighted in the White Paper Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth January 2021:

“Most occupations require competence in English, maths, and digital skills. (31) However, 49% of adults have numeracy skills no better than the level expected of an 11-year-old; for literacy, it is 15% (32) 52% of the workforce do not have essential digital skills for work (33).  We need to address this so employers get the competent staff they need and people without these skills can develop them in order to find a good job or progress their careers.”

At SCL Education Group we see English and maths as Gateway qualifications that offer support and progression to higher level courses, apprenticeships, and employment. We are passionate about giving our learners the support they need to improve their confidence in English and maths, enabling them to function independently in all aspects of their life and work.  These skills are essential for both progressing within further study and progressing to and within employment.

In response to research findings SCL Education Group’s ‘English and Maths Strategy’ has been developed to drive forward the development of all learners’ and staff’s English and maths skills, whether that is through the standalone GCSE and Functional Skills English and maths qualifications on Study Programmes or through the ambition to develop these skills through the integration of new knowledge and skills within Apprenticeship standards, Traineeships and AEB courses.

In addition, our ambition is to further develop English and maths skills in all our learners, across all provision types, regardless of whether they have GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications on entry. All learners will have access to Skills Forward to fill knowledge gaps regardless of their prior achievement.

In the wake of the pandemic, we will carefully consider the impact of the TAG/CAG system where some learners may have inflated grades and need extra support to be working at level 2. These considerations will be taken into account across the Group, and the necessary care will be taken when levelling learners to ensure that they are enrolled onto courses which are correct for their level of study.


The Strategy

SCL Education Group recognises the need for a whole organisational approach to English and maths, ranging from strong governance and accountability, and robust and relentless senior leadership, to the delivery of exceptional Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) across all provision types.  The Group English and Maths Strategy illustrates the steps that will be taken to achieve the identified objectives and give clarity to all staff and management.


Our aspirations to deliver outstanding English and maths provision will be self-evident in our use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Objective: KPI:
% Learners at E & M TMG 50% to 65%
% Learners at or above E & M TMG 70% to 80%
Retention Rates for FS English (Entry Level) 91% to 94%
Retention Rates for Functional Skill English (Level One) 86% to 90%
Retention Rates for Functional Skill English (Level Two) 85% to 90%
Overall Achievement Rates % Functional Skills English (Entry level) 84% to 89%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS English Level One


67% to 75%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS English Level Two 64% to 70%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Entry Level) 93% to 96%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Level One) 86% to 91%
Retention Rates for FS Maths (Level Two) 86% to 91%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Entry Level) 87% to 92%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Level One) 62% to 68%
Overall Achievement Rates % FS Maths (Level Two) 63% to 67%
% Learners Satisfied with English and Maths Quality 90% to 95%
% Achievement Gaps (Ethnicity) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Gender) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Disability) No more than 5% to 10%
% Achievement Gaps (Disadvantaged) No more than 5% to 10%


Our Pledge           

We are intent on delivering outstanding English and maths provision that enables our learners to make the most of their lives, contribute successfully to society and increase their social mobility.


Student Entitlement

  • SCL have a responsibility to ensure all full time and substantive part time learners have the opportunity to develop and gain appropriate qualifications in English and maths up to Level  2 and beyond in line with Government
  • English and maths development is a required and integral part of all provision types and will be promoted within all course literature and offered as a key component.
  • As a rule, to appropriately stretch learners, all learners that have not yet achieved a GCSE at grade 1 (F/G) in English and/or maths will initially study a Functional Skill qualification in the This is to provide learners with the maximum opportunity to achieve over and above their prior attainment.
  • All learners that have a GCSE at grade 1 (F/G) to a grade 3 (D) in English and/or maths will study towards a GCSE in that subject to develop skills and meet the condition of
  • The enrolment of each learner will be reviewed individually within the first 6 weeks of each course to ensure that learners have been enrolled onto a course that is suitable for them and to recognise the impact of any inaccurate TAGs learners may have achieved in 2020/21.
  • SCL will further develop English and maths skills in all our learners, across all provision types, regardless of whether they have GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications on entry. Our Specialist English and Maths team will carefully assess the impact of the TAG/CAG system where some learners may have inflated grades and may need extra support to be working at level 2.
  • Learners who are exempt from English and Maths study will continue their English and Maths development through their use of Skills Forward and activities embedded in their vocational study.
  • Alternative English and maths pathways may be chosen for learners on an individual basis and in consultation with the Head of English and Maths, Curriculum Managers, Divisional Heads of Area and Director of Quality and This may apply where learners are demonstrating abilities and skills that do not align with their prior attainment.


Levelling Process

Study Programme

Prior attainment Course enrolment
Learner has no prior attainment in either English or Maths. Learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Entry Level 3 or Functional Skills Level 1 for English and Maths dependent on Initial Assessment and Diagnostic.
Learner has previously achieved a Grade 1 (F/G), Grade 2 (E/F), or Grade 3 (D/E) in GCSE Maths/English Language and GCSE English Literature. Learner is enrolled on GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language to support their attainment of a pass.
Learner has previously achieved a Grade 4+ (C or above) in GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language or GCSE English Literature. Learner is exempt from studying Maths and English. Learner continues to develop their English and Maths skills through use of Skills Forward and Main Aim contextualisation.
Learners should not be enrolled on a Main Aim Level 3 course without prior attainment in English and Maths.



  • Learner A achieves a 5 in GCSE Maths, a 2 in GCSE English Language and a 3 in GCSE English Literature.
  • Learner A is exempt from studying Maths but re-enrolled on a GCSE English Language course.


  • Learner B achieves a 3 in GCSE Maths, a 3 in GCSE English Language and a 4 in English Literature.
  • Learner B is re-enrolled only on GCSE Maths. Learner B is exempt from studying GCSE English Language because of his Grade 4 in English Literature.


  • Learner C achieves a 4 in GCSE Maths and a 4 in GCSE English Language.
  • Learner C is exempt from studying both Maths and English.


Levelling Process

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Learner has not yet achieved a passing grade in Maths or English Learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Level 1 or Functional Skills Level 2 dependent on their Initial Assessment and Diagnostic results.If a learner is enrolled on Functional Skills Level 1 they will be guided through achieving their qualification with the aim to take Functional Skills Level 2 in the same year.

Our Strategic Focus Areas are defined below:

  1. English and maths are seen as Gateway qualifications to employment and progression.
  2. Maximise learners’ capability and confidence in maths, English, and communication, building skills for successful careers.
  3. Learners invest in the transferable skills of English and maths for future careers and ‘jobs not yet invented’.
  4. Staff deliver English and maths using creative, innovative, and engaging methods.
  5. Maximise opportunities for staff to progress their skills in English and maths.


Accomplishing the Strategic Focus Areas:

English and maths are Gateway qualifications to employment and progression:

  • A cross-organisational approach to the co-ordination of English and maths ensures robust standardisation and facilitates sharing of high-quality resources and successful teaching methods. This will include targeted support for learners with TAG grades who initially assess at a lower level than their grades on entry using our E-learning platforms Skills Forward and EQUAL.
  • The importance of English and maths will be emphasised in SCL’s marketing materials, Induction programmes and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG).
  • Everyone with responsibility for learners actively promotes the relevance and importance of English and maths with the learners from the time of their first interview.
  • SCL will monitor progress in English and maths within all aspects of the Quality Assurance (QA) cycle.
  • Trainer Assessors in Apprenticeships will front-load functional skills and complete these in the first 6 months to ensure timely achievement in readiness for End point Assessment. Trainers will utilise the EQUAL E-learning platform to personalise learning for apprentices and contextualise English and maths skills to workplace activity. Progress will be closely monitored monthly as part of caseload reviews.
  • Staff will support the view that acquisition of English and maths skills is equally as important as learners’ vocational and academic aims.
  • A centralised English and maths Team, under the leadership of the Head of English and Maths, will drive forward the planning, delivery, and continuous improvement of SCL’s English and maths curriculum for all types of provision, including our Study Programmes, Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and adult learning courses.


Maximise learners’ capability and confidence in maths, English, and communication, building skills for successful careers:

  • Learners gain the skills necessary to live fulfilling and exciting careers with confidence in their English and maths abilities and with the understanding that with strong skills in these areas, they can make a significant contribution to society and the economy.
  • Learners on Study Programmes will be set a Target Minimum Grade for GCSEs, which will be between 1 and 3 grades higher than their qualification on entry. This will be tracked and monitored through Pro-monitor and data reports and updated following GCSE mock exams.
  • For Apprenticeship, Traineeship and AEB provision all learners will benefit from initial and diagnostic assessment carried out expediently at the outset of their programme and utilised to inform Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). We utilise Skills Forward to help us to ensure that all learners are appropriately advised and that they have the ability to achieve the levels required in English and maths. Skills Forward also helps us to identify learners who may be able to accelerate their progress and progression.
  • Where learners are exempt from the need to complete English and maths qualifications (identified during staff will have the ambition to ensure that all learners are provided with continuous opportunities to enhance and develop their English and maths skills throughout their full learning journey. English and Maths will be contextualised throughout main aim study regardless of learners’ prior attainment, and C&C staff will support during Standardisation meetings to provide feedback on completed work and assignments from an English and Maths perspective.
  • The English and Maths Team will support staff training and delivery of Initial and Diagnostic Assessments. Weekly audits will be completed, and reports sent to Head of English & Maths including specific details of any at risk learners/clubs. This will then be reported as part of monthly SLT
  • All year 1 progressing learners will complete an Initial Assessment and diagnostic at the end of their current academic year ahead of their September
  • Learners enrolled on Functional Skills qualifications will be expected to complete Initial & diagnostic assessments as well as a Distance Travelled assessment demonstrating progress on Skills Forward before, they can be booked onto an
  • Vocational Teachers, Trainer/Assessors and English and Maths Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that initial and diagnostic assessments have been completed and that the information is used to plan appropriate strategies to develop skills and tracked on Skills Forward. At the mid-point of their course, all learners enrolled on English and/or Maths will complete a ‘Distance Travelled’ assessment on Skills Forward to demonstrate their progress since the beginning of the course, and provide updated data outlining learning gaps to further target teaching.
  • Staff will assist learners to achieve the greatest ‘distance travelled’ in their progress from initial assessment to completion.
  • Staff have high aspirations to prepare learners who can fulfil employers’ needs for English and maths skills at the highest industry standards.
  • All staff model high expectations in their own execution of English and maths through their delivery and their support activities, providing a model for outstanding practice.


Learners invest in the transferable skills of English and maths for future careers and ‘jobs not yet invented’:

  • Where appropriate, learners will receive advice and guidance that includes information on the portability and versatility of English and maths. They will learn how these areas of thinking and understanding contribute to the wider skills of problem solving, analysis and critical thinking in a wide variety of roles.
  • All staff will demonstrate the importance of English and maths in their vocational field. This will be achieved through integration of English and maths into a project-based approach to delivery of sports programmes.
  • The English and maths team will work closely with Careers Leads to ensure that essential numeracy and literacy skills are integrated through our Personal Development Programme and Work Experience/Industry Placements including where guest speakers will promote English and maths as vital employability skills.
  • The English and maths team will work closely with Head of Sports Excellence to ensure that essential numeracy and literacy skills are integrated through our Sports Excellence Programme and bespoke activity at each partner club.
  • Learners will be provided with examples of outstanding English and maths practice through a wide variety of delivery methods, including ICT, providing them with a breadth of learning experiences from which they derive transferable skills to use in their future careers.
  • SCL will work to fully understand the developing needs of employers and observe the research and guidance from Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to ensure that delivery of English and maths replicates the needs of the future workforce.
  • SCL will provide appropriate facilities, including effective materials, to support learners’ personal and independent development in English and maths.


Staff deliver English and maths using creative, innovative, and engaging methods:

  • Barriers to progression and into employment created by skills gaps in English and maths will be challenged and overcome through the embedding of English and maths into all teaching and learning situations.
  • Staff delivering Apprenticeships, Traineeships and AEB courses will be trained in the use of the E-learning platform EQUAL so that the teaching of English and maths is personalised to the learner.
  • High expectations for learners’ achievement in English and maths will be paramount and accomplished through effective target setting, stretch and challenge activities, differentiation and raising aspirations.
  • Assessment of the quality of teaching and learning will highlight English and maths as a key area of focused activity for development and as an expected inclusion when assessing any teaching and learning. This will help continually increase standards of delivery in all areas.
  • Learners will benefit from having detailed ILPs that direct them to high quality learning in the areas they need to make most progress in. Progress against these plans will be monitored regularly through the Progress Coach, Learning Support Advisor, Teacher and Trainer reviews. Tracking and monitoring of progress against target grades for GCSE will be recorded on Pro-monitor.
  • Standards for teaching and learning will carry inherent expectations for the inclusion of high-quality English and maths content.
  • Quality Assurance processes will detail learners’ experience and understanding and evaluation of their English and maths experiences and will be used to constantly improve provision.
  • To meet current awarding body criteria a dedicated team of admin staff is required to conduct exam invigilation for Functional Skills. Accredited invigilation training will be provided for vocational teachers who invigilate GCSE exams.
  • SCL’s approach is that all Teachers, Trainer/Assessors, Learning Support Advisors and Progress Coaches maximise opportunities to develop English and maths skills for all learners where appropriate using the delivery models.


Maximise opportunities for staff to progress their skills in English and maths:

  • Staff will have the opportunity to develop their own English and maths skills from their existing personal starting point.
  • SCL engenders a culture whereby staff are enabled to share their areas for improvement in English and maths and receive appropriate support to develop.
  • Staff utilise the experience of their peers to develop good practice in the embedding of English and maths in vocational delivery through a series of peer observations and standardization meetings.
  • The Training and Development Policy will be reviewed to meet the professional development needs of the workforce.
  • A bespoke English Trainer and Maths Trainer will be responsible for the delivery and development of staff’s English and maths skills.
  • Employer and other stakeholder involvement will be planned into the learner journey, so that learners get maximum exposure to the world of work and potential career opportunities.


Implementation and Responsibilities

To maintain a focused approach on the integration of the English and Maths Strategy, all delivery staff will be asked to review the pledge and incorporate local actions into their Business Plans, Quality Improvement Plans and Performance Review meetings.

Governance Responsibilities:

The effectiveness of the Strategy will be assessed through the Quality Assurance and Improvement Strategy and by monitoring SLC’s KPIs. External oversight and challenge of English and Maths provision will be provided by Non-Executives Directors at quarterly Performance Quality Governance Board meetings.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Responsibilities:

SLT has a responsibility to acknowledge the importance of English and Maths and to enforce its implementation and promotion by:

  • Full implementation, review and evaluation of the English and Maths Strategy.
  • Management of infrastructure and to support improvements to services.
  • Management of resources and systems development, including the Pro Suite to support tracking of learner progress.
  • Setting and monitoring KPIs to review effectiveness.
  • Agreeing strategies to support underperforming areas and striving for Good or Outstanding in Ofsted Inspections.
  • Committing to continuous management and succession planning.

Head of English & Maths Responsibilities:

  • Lead on and operationalise the E & M Strategy for SCL
  • Ensure the quality of E & M provision is at a high standard and to provide appropriate opportunities for learners to achieve English and maths to at least Level 2
  • Support CMs to ensure learners’ programme of study meets the Condition of Funding
  • Recruit and select high quality staff to deliver English and Maths
  • Ensure all Functional Skills/GCSE delivery staff are set clear retention, attendance, and achievement targets
  • Chair monthly performance review meetings with each Regional Area and ensure the cross-company team provide regular updates on student progress
  • Establish and lead on an English and Maths Operational Steering Group
  • Conduct quality assurance audits for English and Maths which will be supported by the Quality Improvement Team
  • Ensure that there are robust internal verification systems in place for each centre and that quality assurance is compliant with the exam board and SCL requirements
  • Facilitate and support the centralised timetabling of English and Maths
  • Performance manage English and Maths delivery team, ensuring effective tracking and monitoring of student progress to drive improvements in student outcomes
  • Lead the IA and diagnostic process and ensure all new learners have completed assessments within agreed time frames and in advance of enrolment
  • Be accountable for student outcomes in English and Maths and strive for excellence in teaching, learning and assessment
  • Ensure there is an effective sickness cover strategy in place
  • Ensure staff hours are fully utilised and site delivery teams are deployed to meet curriculum service needs
  • Provide appropriate CPD to drive quality improvements within English and Maths teams
  • Ensure all students are registered and enrolled on the appropriate qualification to meet Conditions of Funding
  • Ensure suitable GCSE exam centres are booked for all students and complete registration process
  • Support Quality Team with Quality Review Meetings and the completion of the Self-Assessment Report
  • OFSTED lead for English and Maths


Head of Education and Training/Professional Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that English and Maths is an integral part of the Curriculum Plan and is positively promoted within Regional Areas/Routeways, addressing attendance, punctuality, behaviour, and retention issues as they arise
  • Action audit reports on Skills Forward and GCSE Pod as outlined by Head of E & M
  • Promote the E&M to all stakeholders, so that students understand the importance of completing all components and using all available E-learning platforms to maximise achievement
  • Ensure Faculty CPD plans make specific reference to E & M by supporting staff to upskill and attain a minimum Level 2 qualification in English and Maths.
  • Be accountable for the overall GCSE and Functional Skills E & M achievement rates for regions/routeways
  • Closely monitor attendance rates for E & M lessons and exams so that they at least equal those in vocational areas
  • Adhere to exam guidelines and requirements set out by the exam’s manager/officer
  • Be accountable for operational responsibilities related to exam bookings, to include suitable transport, accommodation, and resources

Curriculum/Routeway Manager Responsibilities:

  • Ensure appropriate activities are planned and delivered in E & M hours and are focused to support the development and attainment of E & M qualifications
  • Work collaboratively with Head of E & M to support the strategy when classes need covering due to staff sickness and absence
  • Inform E & M teachers of anything impacting on timetables, such as planned trips or work experience at the start of the academic year and update throughout if changes occur
  • Inspect clubs to ensure venues are fit for purpose to hold exams, prior to mock exams taking place in December and report any issues to Head of English and Maths
  • Address attendance and behaviour issues in collaboration with the English and Maths team
  • Be accountable for operational responsibilities related to exam bookings and invigilation to include suitable transport, accommodation, and resources
  • Be accountable for the overall GCSE and Functional Skills E & M achievement rates for regions/routeways

Vocational Tutor Responsibilities (E&T):

  • Ensure initial assessments and diagnostic assessments are completed in a timely manner and that opportunity is given to learners to complete allocated resources on Skills Forward and EQUAL
  • Ensure data from initial assessments is used to inform planning of teaching, learning and assessment and group profiles/ILPs
  • Ensure UCI numbers are collected from learners’ GCSE certificates, and it is recorded whether learners have passed their Spoken Language Endorsement.
  • Audit attendance at E & M lessons daily
  • Ensure learners have opportunity and are engaging with Skills Forward, EQUAL and GCSE pod
  • Track and monitor learner progress against TMG
  • Follow the assessment schedule related to IA, delivery, mock exams (including marking of exams) and actual Functional Skills exams. This will include notifying the E & M co-ordinator when exams are required
  • Attend CPD as identified by yourself, your line manager and the Head of English and Maths
  • Report any concerns with learner progress to the English and Maths Lead
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams when required.
  • Ensure all EHCPs, Form 8s, specific exam access arrangement requests are communicated with SENDCo and Exams Officer by the arranged deadline.

Trainer Assessor (Apprenticeships) Responsibilities:

  • Ensure all learners undertaking English and maths complete timely and effective initial assessment by the client engagement team either at the initial interview stage or before enrolment.
  • Provide all learners undertaking English and maths with a diagnostic assessment on commencement of their programme of study and provide individual learning plans that clearly identify short- and long-term targets in relation to English and maths.
  • Ensure all apprenticeship learners have completed their maths and English qualifications by month 6 of their programme through effective front-loading of delivery.
  • Provide effective and timely feedback on progress to all learners and employers through 1-1s and progress reviews so that they are clear about what they are doing well and what they need to do to improve.
  • Develop a consistent approach in regard to the delivery and integration of maths and English through the effective use of training, standardisation meetings and sharing best practice.
  • Provide a robust and effective tracking system, using One File, EQUAL and Skills Forward, to ensure all staff are clear on the progress of learners and can identify timely actions to improve learner performance.
  • Ensure flexible delivery that provides differentiated learning opportunities – including workshops and blended learning – which enables learners to make progress at a speed which reflects their ability to learn and their motivation to improve their English and maths skills.
  • Provide high quality ALS, including language support, to enhance learner progress through classroom support and additional support in the workplace.
  • Plan delivery in collaboration with employers so that both parties understand the relevance of the learning and make it authentic and realistic for the apprentice and the workplace.
  • Identify and develop a team of specialist English and maths trainers to support delivery across the business. All Trainer Assessors to achieve the Reformed functional skills qualifications in maths and English by August 2021.
  • Raise achievement rates in maths and English through the development of robust schemes of work, E-learning resources and a focus on colleague training.
  • Where it is appropriate, learners should have the opportunity to progress, in-year, to the next level for maths and English.
  • Ensure that there is consistency in regard to marking of learners’ classwork and assignments for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG).
  • Identify opportunities to develop maths and English integration in all schemes of work and TLAPs.
  • Ensure that the internally assessed components of the Functional Skills qualifications are completed to a high standard across all divisions.
  • Ensure that the internally moderated components of the Functional Skills qualifications go through a robust and standardised internal quality assurance process.
  • RAG rate all learners on data reports to identify where support is needed and ensure early intervention maximises achievement.
  • Actively promote and encourage the integration and use of technology in delivery
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually.

English and Maths Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Assess and record learners’ prior achievements in English and maths
  • Register learners on to the appropriate English and maths qualification and level
  • Support all learners to complete initial and diagnostic assessments
  • Provide weekly reports to Head of English and maths of completion of IA and diagnostics.  Highlight all ‘At Risk’ learns and/or clubs with actions outstanding
  • Deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment, following the CSPAR strategy, supporting learners to achieve the best possible outcomes
  • Ensure English and Maths resources meet the needs of the learners and awarding bodies.
  • Complete English & Maths registers daily.
  • Deliver consistent, high quality teaching to enable learners of all ability to progress.
  • Ensure learner progress is tracked appropriately using Skills Forward, GCSE Pod, EQUAL and Pro-monitor
  • Attend CPD as identified by Curriculum Managers, yourself, and your line manager
  • Enter learners for FS exams in adherence to Exam procedures and guidelines and submit results to the Exams Department as soon as possible
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually.

Teaching Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Support the English and Maths teacher to enhance learning either in groups or individually, ensuring students understand the work set, know their learning objectives, and stay on task to make progress
  • Work collaboratively with the English and Maths teacher to develop lesson plans, schemes of work and learning resources
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to provide extra help to learners with additional learning needs
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to develop strategies to support and encourage learners to move towards independent learning
  • Monitor and check learner attendance and punctuality and take responsibility for timely completion of registers
  • Contribute to a range of assessment processes and use information effectively, for example: written records, progress updates on Pro-monitor
  • Utilise Pro-Suite to record and monitor learner progress and achievement
  • Support the English and Maths teacher to manage the behaviour of students and ensure a constructive environment whilst undertaking learning
  • In clubs where face-to-face delivery takes place, collect any completed work and resources after the lesson and forward them to the English and Maths teacher
  • Foster and encourage positive, effective, nurturing, and safe learning environments inspiring learners to take pride in and learn from their individual achievements
  • Accompany learners on trips, visits, and other educational activities
  • Provide cover as and when necessary for the English and Maths teacher, and carry out general admin associated with the role
  • Work closely with English and Maths teachers to ensure own contribution aligns with Functional Skills and GCSE teaching
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Keep up to date with knowledge of education standards
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams as required.

Progress Coach Responsibilities:

  • Work in collaboration with the English and Maths team to achieve SCL’s unique ‘Curriculum Intent’, playing a vital role in rapidly improving the English and Maths skills of all learners
  • Develop excellent working relationships with the English and Maths team which will contribute to improving retention, progress, achievement, and end destinations of all learners
  • Collaborate with English and Maths teachers to ensure that group tutorials support the ongoing development of English and Maths skills
  • Provide a range of professional early interventions to support learners to have good emotional, mental health and wellbeing, along with resilience and coping strategies to maximise achievement in English and Maths
  • Contribute to improving attendance at English and Maths lessons through supportive communication strategies alongside diligent and rigorous monitoring of data, trends, and issues
  • Support the English and Maths team with exam invigilation as and when required
  • Undertake accredited invigilation training annually and invigilate exams as required.
  • Contribute to additional exam support arrangements as required, including direct delivery of emotional and wellbeing support to increase resilience in students throughout exam period


MIS and Admin Team Responsibilities:

  • MIS must upload UCI numbers for GCSE learners and send them across to exam centres to ensure learners are registered correctly
  • Assess learners’ Maths and English levels by checking prior attainment and transferring learners to the relevant offering
  • Liaise with the Exam Centre, Tutors and Exams, and awarding bodies to process all learner registrations on GCSE and Functional Skills

Exams Officer Responsibilities:

  • Functional Skills/GCSE registrations
  • Booking controlled assessments, on-line and paper-based
  • Organising access arrangements for any learners who require reasonable adjustments or special considerations in examinations
  • Recording exam results and publishing these in Teams
  • Dissemination of exam result breakdown reports to English and Maths teachers
  • Checking all papers for controlled assessments are correctly and accurately completed
  • Inputting GCSE grades on Pro-Achieve
  • Claiming Functional Skills certificates
  • Send GCSE Spoken Language Endorsement recordings to Tutors and Exams
  • Update NCFE tracker with all controlled assessment bookings
  • End of year reconciliation and rollover any passed components to 21/22
  • Closing down GCSE/FS on Prosolution
  • Sending out invigilation packs to Tutors for mock exams and exams
  • Create and maintain a regular CPD schedule for invigilation training.
  • Provide invigilation training for vocational teachers, TAs, Progress Coaches, and other staff members who invigilate Functional Skills examinations.


Delivery Models

Delivery Model for Study Programme – GCSE

  • All GCSE lessons will be delivered online to remain in line with the newly developed, digitally driven FE models in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • All GCSE learners will be assigned to an English and/or Maths Specialist and added to a Team on Microsoft Teams with their cohort, and potentially other clubs’ cohorts depending on cohort size. GCSE lessons will take place within these Teams in the ‘General’ channel.
  • To ensure learners are enrolled on a course suitable for them, learner progress will be closely monitored. Course enrolment for English and Maths is subject to change if learners demonstrate that they are working above or below the course on which they have been enrolled.
  • English and Maths Specialists will post updates, support materials, and further information to assist learners within their Microsoft Teams Team.
  • All learners have a responsibility to turn their notifications on for this Team and read and act upon messages posted by their Specialist.
  • Learners will receive 2 hours of GCSE delivery and support per week across 34 weeks of the academic year, totalling 68 hours of tuition.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability.
  • The Head of English and Maths will work closely with the Quality Team to carry out lesson observations and ensure high quality teaching and learning, with support in place for quality improvement where required.
  • CPD is arranged both internally and externally to upskill English & Maths Specialists.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund and Cover Supervisors will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their study skills in advance of examinations.
  • Compulsory assignments will be assigned to learners via Microsoft Teams and GCSEPod and will be due for submission within 7 days of the lesson. Submitted work will be marked within 10 working days of the closing date.
  • Learners will complete 2 GCSE mock exams across the course of the academic year, one in December and one in April, to help identify areas of strength and areas of development and to target teaching to suit learner needs.
  • As an exception, where there are anticipated large cohort size, we will endeavour to provide face to face English and maths delivery. This is subject to cohort size and recruitment of staff in the area.
  • Where face to face delivery is agreed, learners’ main aim courses must be timetabled around English and maths courses as a priority, as there will be a combination of learners enrolled on Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications across both subjects.
  • Learners enrolled on A Level courses must already have achieved GCSE Maths and GCSE English qualifications of Grade 4 or above and therefore should be exempt from GCSE study.


Delivery Model for Study Programme – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills lessons will be delivered online to remain in line with the newly developed, digitally driven HE models in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • All Functional Skills learners will be assigned to an English and/or Maths Specialist and added to a Team on Microsoft Teams with their cohort, and potentially other clubs’ cohorts depending on cohort size. Functional Skills lessons will take place within these Teams in the ‘General’ channel.
  • English and Maths Specialists will post updates, support materials, and further information to assist learners within their Microsoft Teams Team.
  • All learners have a responsibility to turn their notifications on for this Team and read and act upon messages posted by their Specialist.
  • Learners will receive 2 hours of Functional Skills delivery and support per week across 34 weeks of the academic year, totalling 68 hours of tuition across all levels.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability.
  • The Head of English and Maths will work closely with the Quality Team to carry out lesson observations and ensure high quality teaching and learning, with support in place for quality improvement where required.
  • CPD is arranged both internally and externally to upskill English & Maths Specialists.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund and Cover Supervisors will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their study skills in advance of examinations.
  • Compulsory assignments will be assigned to learners via Microsoft Teams, and will be due for submission within 7 days of the lesson. Submitted work will be marked within 10 working days of the closing date.
  • Learners must access Skills Forward and/or EQUAL to support their learning in addition to lesson attendance.
  • Before sitting a Functional Skills exam, learners must sit a Distance Travelled assessment on Skills Forward which demonstrates progress.
  • As an exception, where there are anticipated large cohort size, we will endeavour to provide face to face English and maths delivery. This is subject to cohort size and recruitment of staff in the area.
  • Where face to face delivery is agreed, learners’ main aim courses must be timetabled around English and maths courses as a priority, as there will be a combination of learners enrolled on Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications across both subjects.
  • Learners enrolled on A Level courses must already have achieved GCSE Maths and GCSE English qualifications of Grade 4 or above and therefore should be exempt from GCSE study.


Delivery Model for Apprenticeships – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills delivery for Apprenticeships will be delivered online to flexibly work around working schedules.
  • Trainer Assessors will work collaboratively with employers to embed and support the development of numeracy and literacy skills needed in the workplace.
  • To ensure learners are enrolled on a course suitable for them, learner progress will be closely monitored. Course enrolment for English and Maths is subject to change if learners demonstrate that they are working above or below the course on which they have been enrolled.
  • Trainer Assessors will work with the quality team to develop milestones for functional skills English and Maths on delivery plans.
  • Learners will complete Distance Travelled assessments and/or practice papers in advance of being registered to sit a Functional Skills exam to assess their aptitude.
  • English and Maths delivery will be frontloaded at the beginning of apprenticeship courses while being embedded and contextualised within core apprenticeship delivery.
  • Learners on Apprenticeships will receive up to 2 hours per week delivery and support from their Trainer Assessors and EQUAL E-Learning to develop their aptitude in English and Maths.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability, and support Trainer Assessors in delivery.
  • Quality of lessons will be assessed through developmental and formal observations, with support from the Quality Team to upskill Trainer Assessors.
  • Trainer Assessors are continuously upskilled by the central English and Maths Team with regular Standardisation meetings.
  • Full tracking of English and Math delivery will be supported on OneFile and Skills Forward.


Delivery Model for Traineeships – Functional Skills

  • All Functional Skills delivery for Apprenticeships will be delivered online to flexibly work around working schedules.
  • Trainer Assessors will work collaboratively with employers to embed and support the development of numeracy and literacy skills needed in the workplace
  • Trainer Assessors will work with the quality team to develop milestones for functional skills English and Maths on delivery plans.
  • Learners will complete Distance Travelled assessments and/or practice papers in advance of being registered to sit a Functional Skills exam to assess their aptitude.
  • English and Maths delivery will be frontloaded at the beginning of apprenticeship courses while being embedded and contextualised within core apprenticeship delivery.
  • Learners on Apprenticeships will receive up to 2 hours per week delivery and support from a Functional Skills Specialist Tutor and Skills EQUAL E-Learning to develop their aptitude in English and Maths.
  • A comprehensive catalogue of bitesize learning videos have been created by English & Maths Specialists to offer asynchronized learning and support learners of all ability, and support Trainer Assessors in delivery.
  • Quality of lessons will be assessed through developmental and formal observations, with support from the Quality Team to upskill Trainer Assessors.
  • Trainer Assessors are continuously upskilled by the central English and Maths Team with regular Standardisation meetings.
  • Full tracking of English and Math delivery will be supported on OneFile and Skills Forward.
  • The 16-19 Tuition Fund will be used effectively to further support learners and develop their skills in advance of examinations.



  • Educating for the modern world (Confederation of British Industry, 2018), p.22; No Longer Optional: Employer Demand for Digital Skills (Burning Glass Technologies and Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, 2019), p.31.
  • Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 (Lloyds Bank, 2020).
  • Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Education by Command of Her Majesty January 2021
  • The 2011 Skills for Life Survey: A Survey of Literacy, Numeracy, and ICT Levels in England (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2012).